Target Corporation

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Target Corporation

Target Corporation

For this paper, I have selected, “Target Corporation”, a leading retail firm. This paper discusses the physical assets, monetary values, human resources, knowledge, and technology being used at the Target Corporation.

Physical Assets of Target

Target Corporation's discount retail chain in the United States has 1,494 stores in all states except for Alaska, Vermont, and Hawaii that operate under the mastheads of Target Greatland, and SuperTarget. The string of links was founded by Douglas J. Dayton and John Geisse, and the first goal store "T-1" opened on May 1, 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota. That shop was closed and demolished on January 8, 2005 to make room for a SuperTarget, which opened on October 9 of the identical year. Target Corporation has aggressive plans to have 2,010 stores open by the year 2010 (

Target Company currently functions 25 circulation hubs across the United States. Target opened two new distribution centers in 2006 (Railto, CA and DeKalb, IL) to support the growth of its stores. Target stores tend to attract younger, more educated and affluent customers than its competitors. Actually, the median goal shopper is 41 years vintage, which is the least old of all major discount retailers that Target competes exactly against. The median household earnings of Target's clientele groundwork is roughly $58,000 USD. Approximately eighty per hundred of goal customers are female, and about 43 per hundred have young kids at home. About eighty per hundred have came to school and 43 per hundred have accomplished college. Target partners with well-established national brands to create exclusive collections for its stores (

Target has optimized organizational resources for effectiveness and efficiency in both assets as well as their employees. Target Company has been hardworking in carrying good business governance practices for decades. Numerous of the practices and principles that guide the company today were initiated more than 50 years ago by the Dayton brothers, during their tenure as the company's leaders. Target has strong beliefs about the elements that constitute good governance. This also includes an independent board that is highly accountable to company shareholders. They have been maintained and built upon year after year by the company's directors and senior officers. A set of policies and principles were adopted by the Board to serve the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. Target has offices in over 40 countries throughout the world to support their global sourcing initiatives ...
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