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War and terror is not an issue for this century only, there are major wars also taken places. For the success and to defeat the enemy human have introduce many armed machines and other technology for the destruction of their enemy. The more heavy armed equipment the more chances for the success in the field. The same challenge was taken place in the wartime for the establishment of the tanks and some other armed vehicles for the success in the battlefield. British were the first who introduced the tanks in the battlefield of First World War. Tanks were first developed by the British for use in the First World War the manifestation of new weapon on the battleground caught the Germans by revelation. It works for the best of ground troops. Tanks brought the drastic change in the battle field or in war, but it also changed the whole structure for the battle field or to defeat the enemies. In this essay the discussion has been taken place about the impacts of tanks on environment, economy, education, morals and economy as discussed below.


The fighting as earlier people did without such equipped armored fighting vehicle that was referring the tradition ways of fighting with the enemy. Over the passage of the time after having many battles and for the sake of human security from other human, people start thinking upon the tools for the fighting by which they could fight well and become stronger against their enemy.

Tanks are one of the most deadly tools in the battlefield and used in major wars such as World War I and then World War II. Tanks were designed for the frontline combating with featuring its operational mobility, defensive and tactical offensive capabilities. Tanks are the armed fighting vehicles having different armed tools with it. With the help of large caliber the firepower increases the chances for the success and moreover the rotating turret is also the model for the technology and most importantly the need of the battle field. Tanks are found very effective and efficient tool for the battlefield as it does not only own the armed gun and other guns but also safes the crew and allows the armored troops to achieve their primary task on the battlefield (Von & Etterlin, 1960). Due to the tanks, the reason for establishing the concept of armed warfare came into being. In the Second World War ...
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