Talent Management In Oman by

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Talent Management in Oman


Talent Management in Oman

Thesis Statement

Talent management has grown into a dynamic and complex phenomenon differing not only across the ocean but also across the very sectors in a country, drawing an attention towards a loophole reflecting significant concerns.


Talent Management is the driver of optimal business operations which fuels the longevity of any business corporation. Defining Talent Management, it is considered as an integrated system of strategies and processes that are implemented for the purpose of reaching the echelons of productivity. However, it is important to ensure that the work life balance of the human capital does not get ignored and so it is one of the main underlying factors as it is directly related to the motivational levels of the employees. So, Talent Management (TM) is primarily a combination of streamlined systems and processes integrated in a way to attract, develop, retain and utilize human capital with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) for the progression and the growth of the business. For the exercise to be utilized effectively, it is important to examine and understand the factors that shape talent management practice followed by the discussion focused on the extent to which they are successful.

Purpose of the Study

Somebody once said,

“Knowledge is only the beginning, success needs to be managed”

Success and talent management goes hand in hand and it is this ground on the basis of which the immediate need for the talent management process to be studied extensively emerges. Success cannot strive without talent, as the talent cannot be fuelled without success. It is apparent considering the case of Apple, the success of which has now become a question mark. Negative news concerning the company frequent the media talking about the dipping share value of Apple, thinning of the aura it once used to have among others. People who used to work for Apple under Steve Jobs are not as motivated and hardworking as they were under Steve. A charismatic leader as Jobs was, herd its people and see them through in every thick and thin, however under Tim Cook, the situation is not even remotely same in terms of talent management. People can no longer identify with the leader as the talent leys stranded, not being managed. It is evident in what happened with Apple Maps and the latest version of iTunes. This is how when the talent is not managed, the success of the company is impacted. Thus the factors underlying Talent Management are important to be considered.

However, it is not just the factors underlying Talent Management that are important to be studied but exploration of how these factors differ between public and private sector organizations is also significant in this domain. The focus of this study will be Oman. Festing et al. (2013) stresses the importance of conducting comparative studies incorporating different sectors in order to identify distinctive country-specific TM features with absolute precision. According to Festing et al. (2013), cultural and capitalism perspectives should be considered in order to gain ...