Talent Management And Sportasia Ltd

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Talent Management and Sportasia Ltd

Talent Management & Sportasia Ltd

Talent Management and Measuring the Effectiveness of HR


There are many things and resources that help an organization to rise and grow in the future as well as in the future. From basic raw materials to simple and complicated machinery, all of these assets play a major role in order to make sure the operations of the organization are going accordingly as planned. However, the most important resource for each and every organization no matter if their size is high or low, the resource is the humans or to be correct the employees and labours that are working within the organization.

At the beginning, it was argued that employees and labours within the organization are organizations assets, however with time it was concluded that employee are not the assets of the company as they cannot be controlled hence the employees within the organization were concluded as the human resource of the organization. Once it was established, different programs were made to make sure that this human resource within the organization is maintained and fully utilized with perfect results, and with that a new management system or a program was found through which employees within the organization are identified and motivated according to their talent and talents requirement.

Hence forth, the following pages will not only discuss on the effects and models that enhance the talent management but will answer many questions that relates to the talent management itself. Furthermore, as per required the talent management programs and policies that are being followed in the Sportasia Ltd (A Community Company) and how its talent management system positively effects its operations. In the end, a conclusion will also be provided to make sure that the discussion in hand is properly and effectively concluded.

Talent Management at Sportasia Ltd

High Potential talent refers to the individuals who have distinctive capabilities and skills. These are personnel's who like to move ahead of time and have an accelerating pace in their respective careers. In organizational terms, high potential talent can be referred to any person in an organization, who is working quickly, elegantly, and is better among all his colleagues (Dries et. al, 2012).

Managements usually do not ask outsiders to come and show there high potentials, but they search employees who have got greater talent in themselves and have the ability to become promising leaders of the future. They should not get confused over high performers and high potentials as both are different. High performers will give you immediate results and will try to achieve the immediate growth, whereas high potentials will be those who will try to contribute their maximum and will share organizational responsibility. Moreover the dedication and motivation level of these employees is usually higher than the rest in the organization. Such individuals are themselves aware of their status and they work accordingly in their organizations (Powell & Lubitsh, 2007).

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