Talent Management

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Talent Management

Talent Management


Running an organization successfully and managing all the aspects of it is not only a complicated and comprehensive task, but it also requires special attention and concentration to ensure that all the processes go in favor of the organization. There are numerous aspects of management and different strategies and plans are adopted for managing the organization successfully. Among these steps, talent management strategy holds special significance and thus requires utmost attention and concentration, in order to ensure that flawless and perfect results are produced.

As the title indicates, talent management deals with the talent and human resource present in an organization and the way the employees carry out various function, which directly affects the working and performance of the organization. The managers have to keep a strict balance between the human resource and talent present in the organization and the work load present in the organization. If there is more work load and it goes beyond the capacity of the employees, the number of workers has to be increased or the present employees have to be trained properly in order to ensure better talent management and the workload is managed properly, thus the products/ services are delivered in the precise and effective manner.

The following paragraphs would analyze and highlight the various stages of talent management on the basis of talent management strategy presented in assignment 3, and would also present proper talent management plan ready to be executed. They would also focus on the global and internationally renowned talent management techniques and present the ways in which they can be implemented in the said organization:


Performance Management Process

Human resource is, no doubt, the most essential and valuable assist of any organization, and thus it has t be managed with utmost priority and importance. It is a well known fact that better employees and talented individuals can take an organization from depths to heights, and thus there is high worth of talented and experienced employees in every organization. In order to manage and maintain the talent and performance of employees, the following process would be adopted that would ensure that talent in the organization is properly managed to produce better performance and consequently good results.

To start with, the organization in general and the human resource department in particular should understand the requirements of the organization (Schweyer, 2004). This step plays vital role in talent management process and thus is essential for the overall success of the organization. The main objective of whole of the talent management program is to analyze and determine the need for talent in an organization and then develop the job description and specifications respectively. After the formulation of detailed plan, there comes the process of sourcing the talent and a number of individuals in the field are targeted in order to look for the best. Attracting the talent is the third step, in which all the targeted individuals are invited to the organization, in order to go through the proper recruitment process and text designed for ...
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