Taking Care Of Yourself



Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself

1. Move more

2. Skin care

3. Use of antiseptic soap

4. Safe cosmetics

5. Positive mental attitude

6. Healthy diet

7. Fresh air

8. Cut fait

9. Reduce Stress

10. Floss my teeth

Organizational leaders distinguish that their key role is taking care of their staff members within their working environments. Leaders can really translate taking care of oneself into an organizational value. (Spillane, et al. 2004) Therefore, everything leaders say and leaders do, and they don't say or they don't do sends indications throughout the organization to what values are important. Leaders must be aware of the powerful effect they have on the people of their organizations. No matter how much leaders get return of their investment for doing it. That's leadership cost. Leadership cost depends upon the situational analysis and the consequences. (Hersey, Blanchard, Johnson, 2008) The unintended results may bring more threats or fear but leaders should not leave their responsibilities of taking care of oneself into an organizational value.

In my point of view, leaders can be motivated by a sense of responsibility to employees and their organizational values; leaders should retool their skills to become kindhearted diplomats who can translate taking care of oneself into an organizational value. Their plans and practices can intend consequences. All in all, the difference between effective leadership and public health is that leadership is what learned behavior and public health is a mixture of people and their health care.


Hersey, Paul; Blanchard, Ken; Johnson, D. (2008). Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Spillane, James P. et al. (2004). "Towards a theory of leadership practice". Journal of Curriculum Studies Vol. 36, No. 1: 3-34.
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