Tactics, Strategies & Logic Model

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Tactics, Strategies & Logic Model

Tactics, Strategies & Logic Model


Strategies & Tactics

In order to make the warrant program effective, there has to be effective and efficient tactics and policies. The organizers of this program will implement those strategies which can attract the underlying group of society. The underlying group of society is offender (non-violent). The program will motivate them to present themselves before court. The research showed that the non violent offenders prefer to escape from respective authorities. The primary reason behind this is no familiarity with the legal procedures and unable to pay the fees of lawyers and penalties. This program will persuade these offenders to face the court and also provide monetary support. The first and foremost part of this program is to attract offenders so that they will come to the programs personal to seek help to face their cases. It requires an encouraging attitude from various sections of the society so that the offenders will see support from the society and believe that there are certain ways to get ride off these cases (Bloemraad, 2006). Organizers of the campaign has drafted following strategies and tactics for the successful completion of their campaign.

Collaboration between the warrant program personals, legal teams and offenders

Periodic session so that the performance of the warrant program can be traced

Effective information transmission plan

Marketing of the warrant program by highlighting its services and benefits to the offenders and society as a whole

Finding volunteers for the program

Deploying high tech system to ensure the success of program

Marketing through pamphlet and electronic media

Tactics used to Implement these Strategies

The foremost tactic of the Team members involved in the campaign would be to provide complete guidance to the lawbreaker about the procedure, through which these offenders can find a solution of their warrants (Frechtling, 2007). Second, tactic used by the organizers of the campaign, was to arrange frequent meetings with the members of the campaign, organizations, and other stakeholders, with the aim of monitoring the performance of the campaign, and to removing the problems faced by the campaign in performing their task.

To ensure proper communication among the members involved in campaign program, the organizers have planned to enhance the communication network process such as (creating a website, launching a social networking page, providing separate phones to all members, and others) (Homan, 2008). In order to increase the awareness of the campaign program across the society, organizers have decided to enhance its advertising and promotion activities. For advertising, management of the campaign has planned to use social media, ads of televisions, newspapers, billboards, and others.

For promotional activities, management has planned to launch educational programs in schools, colleges, universities, different areas within the societies and, using criminal programs to promote the campaign, requesting celebrities to promote the campaign others (Lemieux & Milligan, 2008). In addition to these, for successful implementation of other strategies, management of the campaign is planning to use innovative technologies, for planning the activities of the event, and promotion of the ...
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