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Security Measures for The US President

Security Measures for The US President


When a famous personality or public figures visits any place and there are certain issues regarding to the safety of that personality, then it is very important to take proper actions not only for the safety of that personality but also for the safety of locals. The president of United States is very famous personality and he has taken very tough actions against terrorism especially against Al Qaeda (Byers, 2002). He has also made the immigration laws very stringent especially for those Muslim countries, where terrorists walk freely. Therefore it is important to design a security plan keeping in mind the current security situation of US.


Mr. President is expected to deliver a speech to capacity crowd and people believe that he is going to divulge major policy announcement on illegal immigration. This news is already in circulation and number of Middle East countries has raised concern about it. In this regard, it is important to view the security threat from the perspective of Muslim countries. It is also important to increase the scope of possible threat to all unlawful immigrants.

Designing Security Protocol

Initial Planning Meeting

It is the duty of United States Secret Service (USSS) to make sure that all the security arrangements are properly checked and the possible threats are mitigated. The initial planning meeting consists of all those stakeholders that can directly or indirectly linked with the security situation of the president and the local area. Federal Bureau of Investigation will helps to give details about the possible threat. FBI is only responsible to provide the basic and detailed information but it has no authority to share the overall security measures. Second important participant of this meeting is the local police who have well know how about the area. ...