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Table of Contents


Thesis Statement1


Relevant Events Occurring in Nigeria2

Our Interpretations of the Events5

History of Imperialism (17th to 20th Century)6

Change in Society due to Imperialism9

Contribution of Imperialism towards Foreign and Domestic Problems11

Summary and Conclusion15



Imperialism in Nigeria


Nigeria, officially known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country located in West Africa. It is the most populous country in Africa and a home to twenty percent of the black population of the world. The government of Nigeria, a former colonial British set-up is similar to that of the United States, with a president in the executive branch and a bicameral (two house) legislature asked the National Assembly made ??of a Senate and a House of Representatives. In recent years, the imposition of Islamic law and sectarian violence resulting from poverty and competition for jobs and land has caused many Christians to flee from Nigeria. After the oil boom in the 1970s, Nigeria became one of the largest oil producers, but the wealth is far from evenly distributed among citizens. The corruption in the management of oil, oil theft and violence in response to the theft has made ??it difficult for Nigeria to attract much needed foreign investment.

Thesis Statement

Imperialism is accountable for the poor state of Nigeria in the olden times and much of the vices of politic dilemmas owe to the rise of imperialism in Nigeria.


Nigeria passed through many hands before it was independent, multi-ethnic, and pan-national, a country that it has become today. From about 500 BC to 200 AD, the nation was led by the Nok people. Sometime later, the Kanuri, Hausa, Fulani and people migrated there. Kanem Empire transferred to Nigeria, then the Fulani Empire, and was then conquered by the British Empire in the 19th century.

Nigeria gained independence in 1960 and joined the United Nations, but was soon disrupted by a military coup and killing Christian Ibos simultaneously in the North carried out by Muslim Hausa. The riots and the flight developed an attempted secession of the Ibos in the East in what is declared as Republic of Biafra. The following years were marked by many bloody revolutions without bloodshed and economic instability, despite the momentum of the oil boom in 1970. In 1999, the government returned to democratic elections, although the process is constantly threatened by corruption and strife.

Relevant Events Occurring in Nigeria

Three years ago that Africa was experiencing a wave of "democratic processes", to avail from the term hypocrisy of Western governments, the IMF staff and local politicians. On the fifty countries that account for sub-Saharan Africa in just over half a century, dictators have held elections with multiple parties or candidates, who did not fail to assert their praise of the Western mentors. This has resulted in a massive shift of opinions about the character of "democratic" elections.

South Africa is, by far the richest countries in Africa, where the process of "democratization" has been underway since 1990 as the elimination of apartheid. The other country was Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with 107 million inhabitants where the "democratic process" was ...
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