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Table of Contents


Statement of the Problem2

Theoretical framework2

Methodology of Research3

Type of Research3




Review of Related literature3

Scope and Limitations4

Significance of Study4


Background of the Study5

Analysis of the Data5






Works Cited9

“Microsoft from Past to Present”


Statement of the Problem

“Microsoft from Past to Present”

In this paper, my main focus would be on the way Microsoft Corporation worked from 1975(the year in which it was founded) till present, to include itself in the top companies of the world. Initially, it's important to understand that what exactly this company all about is. Microsoft Corporation builds up, constructs, licenses, and wires a broad collection of software products and services for different computing devices. It put forward operating systems for personal computers, servers, and smart devices; server applications for distributed computing environments; information worker productivity applications; business solutions applications; high-performance computing applications; software development tools and video games.

Theoretical framework

The information and related data will be provided through the authentic secondary sources with the help of certain websites and press releases. Moreover, the main focus would be on the challenges, Microsoft faced and how they dealt with it, what changes they have brought in all these years and through what ways they have become such a big company. The story of their success will be discussed with the help of their achievements, changes and their growth and inventions. A brief introduction of the founder of the corporation will also be taken into account.

Methodology of Research

Type of Research

It's a qualitative research and to see how did it work from past to present, secondary data which was available online was used. More over many people's reviews and opinions were taken as well.


50 respondents were taken in this study to conclude the results.


A questionnaire was made in order to question people and to see what they think about the Microsoft Company.


H1: From past to present Microsoft turned out to be a successful company

Ha: From past to present Microsoft didn't turn out to be a successful company

Review of Related literature

The articles or websites that support my main statement that is Microsoft from past to present, discuss the services provided by the company and the important dates in which it produce quality work and achieved highest sales. It also discussed the challenges faced by the company and a brief introduction about the founder of the company, his works and ideas and his future aims and goals. More over depicts light on the products and services provided by the company and how they create a benchmark for others and remain ahead of their competitors. More over their consistency and regular quality checks made them win the hearts of their customers. It is observed that the major creation in the software development was done by the Microsoft Corporation and 90% of people prefer to use Microsoft windows because of its advance technology and user friendly ways. The market share of internet explorer is 34.3% of as compare to the Google chrome that is 22.2%, (W3counter, 2011), this means that customers prefer Microsoft the most.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study is ...
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