Systems Thinking And Practice

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Systems Thinking and Practice

Systems Thinking and Practice


This paper intends to explore about the problem structuring methodologies. Problem structuring methodologies are commonly known as 'wide band' group decision support approaches or 'Soft OR' or 'Systems' methodologies. Problem structuring methodologies have been made and evaluated throughout the history; however, traditional problem structuring methodologies were not able to address the issue of deciding about the actual problem. All the new 'problem structuring methodologies (PSMs) facilitates the decision makers in order to identify the actual problem within their agreed frameworks. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evaluation techniques or process of evaluating the impact of problem structuring methodologies. Moreover, the paper will also explore the various problem structuring methodologies along with various approaches to assess the usefulness or impact of such methodologies.


The inception of new problem structuring methodologies can be traced since 1970s. Such methods were initially developed in the field of Operations Research in order to deal with the complex, uncertain and conflicting issues. The impact of problem structuring methodologies is immense. All such methodologies help decision makers better identify their problems which ultimately results in projects that are well defined and the problems related to those projects can easily be solved using traditional or new problem structuring methodologies. Moreover, these methodologies also enable decision makers to get clear pictures of the circumstances resulting in a more responsive and agreed plan of action. Analysts are provided with an opportunity to access the strategic problems and structuring them appropriately (Ackermann & Eden, 2009 Pp. 125-130).

Problem structuring methodologies are known for supporting decisions that requires diverse composition within an environment which tends to be complex. These methods usually focus on getting the problem identified and also making decision makers able to commit comprehensive action plans. The problems under focus are usually unstructured. The characteristics of such problems include having high levels of uncertainty; interests that are conflicting and usually multiple perspectives to the problem are arising. In order to be impactful to such problems, all the problem structuring methodologies need to operate transparently by allowing contingent solutions. Moreover, another basic requirement of problem structuring methodologies to become impactful is to operate iteratively while also respecting alternate perspectives (Flood & Jackson, 1991 Pp. 125-150).

United Kingdom possesses the ownership of many of the problem structuring methodologies. Soft OR methodologies are common in the field of Operations Research. All the different approaches to structuring problems are collectively known as 'Soft OR.' These soft OR methodologies are contrasting with the traditional problem structuring techniques like linear programming and integer programming which were commonly known as 'Hard OR.' Hard OR refers to the techniques which are tangible and easy to explain or use. However, Soft OR refers to the techniques which are intangible and not easy to explain or use. Some basic and most commonly known Soft OR techniques are Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and Strategic Choice ...
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