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Systems and Operations

Systems and Operations

Dell E-Business

Dell was a keen and early change in the history of the internet. The Dell launched its first website of e-business in the year 1994 and now this company is driving several activities of business by making use of the internet in front of its competitors. I think the company considered that the direct company model provided them with the advantage of online selling. In my opinion its better, as its not like some other vendors that are indirect, including Compaq, IBM, HP and Apple, and my reason for saying this that its better is that the Dell had not to worry about the conflict of channel with distributors and resellers when the company started online selling. In addition to this, its order building processes of manufacturing were already in apt location, that I think makes it easier in providing the customers with the facility of configuring products online same as they used to do with the help of the telephone.

By the year 2000, the sales that were made by the Dell with the help of the website selling was tremendously great, but the exact figure was not the entire story. What I have researched and found is that the Dell also utilized the internet for connecting itself more strongly to its considerable customers by the development of extranets that were termed as Premier Pages, now they are being termed as Premier I have found that the number of extranets that were being developed by the Dell was about 50,000 for thousands of customers of business in the mid of the year 2000. The use of these extranets is in orderings, configuration, support, services, and all these are customized according to the needs and systems of customer. I think smaller consumers and companies might buy software, peripheral and PCs and some other items with the help of this e-business website of the Dell, and get technical support and some other services at this web site.

I think one more equally significant effort of the Dell was the utilization of the internet for coordinating its whole worth network, involving third-party product suppliers, providers for logistics, suppliers, integrators for system and providers for services. All of these efforts were made by the strong information connections between the Dell and the customers of Dell.

The successful internet use of the Dell drew the concentration of some other companies and media, as well as its customers. I think the company realized that they had got the chance of capitalizing on its improving reputation of being an innovator of the e-business and the company redefined itself as a provider of knowledge about the structure of e-commerce to its customers. The machine that used for maintaining relations with the public drove the message that the company is familiar with the internet and could assist its customers in achieving the same success by making use of the internet. Dell started to market itself as the organization that ...
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