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Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease and Effectiveness of Pharmacological Treatment



Parkinson Disease is anticipated to be more common in people having age more than 65 years. Main purpose of this study is to examine the published studies on subject of Parkinson Disease and different treatment strategies which include Pharmacological treatment.


Papers on Parkinson Disease were retrieved from Science Direct and Medline from period 1990 to 2000. All retrieved studies were excluded and included on the basis of predefined criteria to improve accuracy of study. This evaluation basically concerns with examining the impact of pharmacological treatment for Parkinson Disease.

Main Results:

The study examines 19 different studies written at different period of time examining different aspects of Parkinson Disease. Research shows that specific test can not improve the accuracy for controlling Parkinson Disease. Variation in treatment effects has not been proved by studies due to multiple dopamine agonists. Consequently, inconsistent variation in symptom control was observed between combination therapy of L-dopa selegiline and L-dopa.


No specific conclusion has been derived which shows that DAs vary in treatment effects. In early PD phase, meta-analysis research investigation suggests that DAs plus L-dopa can help in controlling Parkinson Disease symptoms compare to using L-dopa treatment independently. However, no consistency has been observed regarding this finding.


Diagnosis, Parkinson Disease, Pharmacological Treatment

Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Effectiveness of Pharmacological Treatment: Systematic Review


Parkinson disease is a neurological disorder that directly affects the functioning of brain. According to a survey, approximately 0.3% people are suffering from this disorder. It is a progressive and chronic disorder; chances of occurrences are more in people age over 65 years. Male and female both have similar exposition to this problem; however it has been observed that men are more exposed to get affected by this disorder condition. Chances of its occurrence increase greatly with the increase in age of a person. Prevalence of Parkinson disease is higher in North American and European countries. Contrastingly, Asians and Black Africans are least exposed to this mental illness condition. China, Japan, Taiwan, and Australia are classified as least affected countries from PD.

It is mainly caused when dopamine-producing cells undergo idiopathic degeneration in the substantia nigra, a component in central brain. It is caused by numerous factors external to the state of a person, having more negative impact on person's mental state as he grow older. Different studies have examined the risk of Parkinson Disease occurrence as impact of environmental exposures. Cogwheel rigidity, tremor, and bradykinesia are cardinal signs of this problem. It is difficult to diagnose this problem timely due to absence in proper reference diagnosis test. Pharmacological, surgical, psychiatric, and ancillary treatment are the common modes of treatment. It is mainly diagnosed clinically, but only 25% people have recovered from this problem partially or completely (Alarcon, 1998). L-dopa doses are the foundation of pharmacological treatment, including 'dopamine agonists' which is also used in some instances in combination with L-dopa for the treatment of Parkinson Disease. These tests directly affect dopamine receptors and increase ...
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