Systematic Review And Synthesis

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Systematic Review and Synthesis

Systematic Review and Synthesis


The paper aims to appraise and synthesize a variety of quantitative and qualitative evidences by summarizing the 5 articles. Nurses are increasingly involved in planning and performing research, which results in providing benefits to the professionals and the quality of care to the patients. Also, it significantly contributes to the improvement of the entire health care system. Research in nursing has undergone rapid development over the last many years, providing vast amounts of knowledge for practical use. Study is a systematic process of nursing research designed to develop knowledge of the important elements of professional practice, education and management (Hoeck, 2006). Clinical study in nursing is a process of research acquisition, oriented to utilize useful knowledge in the practice of nursing as well as improving the level of public health. It also provides quality of life to the patients and those who are under the care of the nursing staff.

Nurses perform their clinical duties at the hospital, which imposes special burden on them and requires a large measure of skill and talent. From practical point of view, they are expected to give the highest possible quality of services. It does not only include the relevant care, but also compassion and empathy (Ailinger, 2010). Also, all the growing awareness and care costs, which unfortunately often translates into reduction in employment. In order to meet all of these tasks, nurses must have access to various and comprehensive sources of medical information. They should be able to evaluate them and put into practice by the clinical decision making process. In today's world, all health care professionals, including nurses, need to learn by life and new developments in science. The research should not only be tracked and assimilated, but also evaluated and placed in a conscious and sensible way to daily practice. Furthermore, the nurse is not only expected to track the area of expertise, but also an active contribution through planning and research, resulting in expansion of knowledge in nursing (Megan et al., 2007).

Discussion & Analysis

Nurses are increasingly expected to implement evidence based practice to utilize the most possible methods for deriving better results of research in making care decisions during the process. Nurses are increasingly aware of the need nursing support activities and decision on the evidence. With the result that the action is appropriate, cost-effective and lead to favorable results of treatment in patients. Moreover; nurses in their daily work use the results of high quality research being a health care professional. These are appraised by customers and strengthen the image and social perception of the nursing profession. Clinical nursing practice is based on a collection of information from various sources, different from one another as well as the level of independence of the scientific weight. There is a general the belief that the results of precisely planned and carried out tests are the best source of scientific evidence, which can later be used to clinical decision making (Titler, ...
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