Systematic Review

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Systematic Review of Articles

Systematic Review of Articles

Article 01- Adolescents' experiences of smoking cessation by Warren R. Stanton, John B. Lowe and Amaya M. Gillespie

Study Overview

This article is written by Warren R. Stanton, John B. Lowe and Amaya M. Gillespie. The article discuses that present rate of smoking in school age children. 15 of children between age of 14-16 years smoke every day. Since, the major proportion of school age children does not smoke because of strict preventive measures of schools, but the smoking rate has been increasing on daily basis.

Purpose of the study

The main aim of this study was to find out the trend of smoking in secondary schools. Since the prevalence of every day smoking has been rising from 15% to 31% throughout the 3 years of secondary schooling which brings in the need for cessation programs

Key Findings

The major findings of the study exhibited that the 55% of people were under estimated who were moderately involved in smoking and they tried to quit smoking. On the other hand, the success was over estimated. The major proportion of adolescent reported that they tried to some level for stopping a student from smoking in last year's, this proportion include 29% of smokers.

From the sample size, people who were presently smoking, 64% of them tried to quit smoking and 55% of those people tried to quit smoking in past 12 months. The symptoms of withdrawal were report with high frequency among adolescent smokers and majority of males and females were patient of severe stress and depression that led them to try for quitting smoking

Moreover, people with higher intention to quit smoking had association with their level of confidence in their capability of quitting. These problems should be taken into consideration for preventive measures and the personality development for the appropriate cessation material.

Evaluative Summary

The study was carried out with sample size of 2877 students of year 10 in Queensland Australia. The study involved questionnaire and survey techniques for the data collection. However with the use of survey, the study might have obtained low rate of response and the results could be biased.


The study did not obtain any informed consent from the participants. Even the questionnaires were distributed as anonymous. The participants were not informed about the study.

Article 02- “Ambivalence and Fluidity in the Teenage Smoking and Quitting Experience: Lessons from a Qualitative Study at an English Secondary School

Study Overview

The article “Ambivalence and Fluidity in the Teenage Smoking and Quitting Experience: Lessons from A Qualitative Study at an English Secondary School” is written by Marina Buswell and Peter Duncan and this article was published in the year 2012 by sage in health education journal.

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to asses a stop smoking pilot project based on school. Moreover this study aims to comprehend the experience of teenagers regarding smoking and quitting.

Research Design and Research Setting

The research deign involves flexible deign method. The research was conducted in a Kent secondary school of United ...
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