In recent decades, many organizations have established a quality system in to satisfy their customers and to better manage their process improvement continues. Several national and international standards have emerged in different countries. However, awareness of stakeholders and the development of legislation have led to the implementation of additional checks at environment. The similarities between these two aspects have led to the emergence of integrated management systems (Langley, 1996).
To increase the efficiency of management of any organization, we need innovation. Need to keep up with the times. Innovations have different levels of complexity and integration of management systems is among the most difficult, but the most important activities of any company (Browne, 1988).
To create an integrated quality management system it is first necessary to design initially. This requires not only choose the international standards for management, but also to discover the organization's processes, in which the introduction of the system will have a direct effect, to establish their sequence and interaction. Need to identify the specific requirements of the international standards for management (Langley, 2009). Well, of course, assign responsible managers and performers. It should be noted that it is necessary to establish critical control points in the process. Should do the monitoring, analysis and measuring processes. After two stages of a management system (namely the work on the creation and design of IMS) then appear the stage of documentation (Browne, 1988).
Integrated System Model
The Model design, improvements of our system was in two phases:
I. Diagnosis
a. We reviewed our strategic objectives and we need needs information (key information) associated with them, assessing their level of satisfaction. In this phase, various efforts were made to provide diagnosis of our information system, identifying the problems (Yeomans, 1985).
b. Then we did an analysis of different aspects of this key ...