Sysco Food Corporation Analysis Paper

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Sysco Food Corporation Analysis Paper


1.1 Company Background1

1.2 Current Strategy3

II.Industry and Firm Analysis7

2.1 External Analysis of Sysco7

2.1.1 Environmental Analysis of Sysco7

PEST Analysis7

2.1.2 Industry Analysis14

Industry Background14

Sysco's Five Forces Analysis16

2.2 Internal Analysis of Sysco19

2.2.1 Organizational Analysis20

2.2.2 Sysco's Resources21

2.2.3 Organizational Capabilities22

2.2.4 Sysco's Financial Analysis24

2.3 SWOT Analysis25

III.Recommendations and Conclusions30


Sysco Food Corporation Analysis Paper


This assignment presents the company analysis of Sysco Corporation. This paper is divided into three main parts. The first part encompasses in detail about the company background and its current business strategies. Similarly, the second part of the paper is the most extensive portion of this assignment that entails the external and internal analysis of the company, along with, the SWOT analysis. Similarly, the last part of this assignment proposes certain recommendations to the identified strategic issues that were observed in the second part. These suggested recommendations profess in detail about how the identified issues could be resolved by Sysco. Conversely, the following segment of the paper highlights vital information about Sysco.

1.1 Company Background

Sysco has a rich history of growing into a large multinational conglomerate since it was founded back in 1969. Initially, the organization was established with the purpose of assisting foodservice operators in providing easy meal options to consumers who remained away from their homes (, 2013). In addition, the company went public in 1970 and has grown from strength to strength in the subsequent years. This could be observed from the fact that in the 1970, the company's sales amounted to one hundred and fifteen million US dollars. While, in 2013, the sales figure raised to nearly forty-four billion US dollars.

Moreover, Sysco enjoys a good market repute and reverence through having built up a strong network of a good relationship with the customers. In addition, with the passage of time consumers lifestyle and preferences have changed. Thus, ready-made or packaged meals became a necessity. This aided the business and growth of the company. Hence, the company has grown over the years from thirty-five billion US dollars to approximately two hundred and thirty-five billion US dollars. At present, Sysco maintains its service relationships and sales with nearly four hundred and twenty-five thousand customers. Coupled with, its unwavering commitment to serve the best products to its customers and continue to be the pioneer force in the foodservice industry. Sysco business network is expands to over one hundred and ninety-three locations within the U.S. along with, its various business units set up across the globe, such as Canada, Northern Ireland, Bahamas and Ireland (, 2013).

In addition, Sysco boasts a sound base of over forty-eight thousand employees who play a key role in its daily operations. Moreover, with its dedicated product lines along with their ancillary processes are a key to the business success as they help to develop a quality product for its consumers (, 2012).

Some of Sysco's brand or product categories are discussed as follows:

Meat and Seafood Products: these are the proprietary products of Sysco. Known for the fresh quality and diligent sourcing from suppliers that meet the highest standard and quality ...