Syntax Of The Simulation Model In Teaching

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Syntax of the Simulation Model in Teaching

Describe and apply the syntax of the simulation model in teaching.

Syntax of the Simulation Model in Teaching

Simulations facilitate students to gain knowledge from virtual realities where they can experience problems and environments further than our present environment. Simulations are formulated from explanations of situations that are based on real-life. An environment is created that is less-than-real-life for the teaching location. At times the interpretations are pretty detailed (for instance, simulators for flight and space flight). The learner involves in process to accomplish the objective of the simulation (to take off aircraft, or to restoration of an urban area), and until the goal is mastered, he has to cope with practical factors.

Four concepts comprise teaching model of simulation that include: syntax, social system, principles of reaction, and support system. They are considered to be the operational heart of simulation model in teaching as they express the appropriate timing for an activity to occur and in what sequence.


There is a strong resemblance in the teaching strategies of concept formation, interpretation of data, and application of principles or ideas. Each of the strategy is established around an intellectual process. Therefore, the series of actions outlines the syntax of the teaching approaches and is seemingly escorted by fundamental mental processes. The teacher precedes the approach along, in each case, through bringing forth questions to direct the learner, at the appropriate time, from one phase of activity into the other. The grouping of data, in the instance of strategy of concept formation, would be untimely if the information had not been recognized and itemized. However, before proceeding to the next phase, delaying too long would become a cause of loss of opportunities and interest.

The model comprises of the four phases: orientation, participant training, simulation operations and participation ...