Swot Analysis

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SWOT Analysis for Internal & External Environments

SWOT analysis for internal & external environments


Extravagant, exciting, fun and frequently uncertain: charity events for raising funds bring in streams of income, which different methods of fund raising cannot, although sports events for fund raising come under the least fruitful ways for charities to produce funds. Nevertheless this does not essentially mean that charity sports events for fund raising are methods that are in-efficient for raising funds. This paper provides an appraisal of the external environment (SWOT analysis) for the Sport day event for indentifying any threats or risks, which the organization 'Woolworth Group' may face if it adapts this proposal. In addition to this the paper provides a clear justification of the viability of the proposed project in terms of its costs and benefits to Woolworth Group and its return on investment.


Brief History:

The recently self-governing Woolworth Group faces intense financial and competitive difficulties. The main chain of super markets enlarged in a number of product areas of Woolworth, and rapidly growing Wilkinson has put up a direct challenge on the high street. The Woolworth Group, generally, did not pursued the trends initiated in the 80s decade of inaugurating stores at location out of the main towns. The group did in fact opened its store in the year 1989 at the new Merry Hill Shopping Center, though it got shut, because of disappointing trade, in a few years. In the December of the year 2003, the operational reorganization of F.W. Woolworth & Co (Cyprus) Ltd happened, which segregated its operations of retail commerce and transferred the group in a distinct legitimate entity. The Woolworth's (Cyprus) property assets then comprised on the various shops along with Debenhams Department Stores, which were all positioned at major sites that are mostly leased / operated by Ermes Department Stored Public Ltd (www.woolworthgroup.com.cy).

Events for raising funds:

Events for raising funds come in all sized and shapes and are just restricted by the imagination of the organizer, which in our case is the host company (i.e. Woolworth Group). An easy method for distinguishing events is by their types. These could even be distinguished by what the events aim to attain and guests profile that the charity wishes to magnetize. Events of sport day promoting a charitable cause have a huge base of participant from which to draw. In the year 2005, above 2.6 billion citizens above seven year of age took part in sports more than one time (U.S. Census Bureau, 2007). Whilst, participation in sports persists on representing an important feature of recreation and leisure, for both corporations and consumers a pronounced change towards the charitable causes support has been observed too (King, 2001, Pp. 115-143). Priorities of consumers have moved towards heightened spiritual, ethical and social sensitivity, whilst it has been recognized by corporate executives the customers' wish for aligning with goods, which offer meaning (Stark & Ebenkamp, 1999, Pp. 20-22).

ATO (Australian Tax Office) a charity needs to exist for the relief of poverty or for the ...
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