Swk141 - Module 3 Learning Activity

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Swk141 - Module 3 Learning Activity

[Name of the Institute]Swk141 - Module 3 Learning Activity


In order to develop successful practice in any filed or subject, it is necessary to create proper basis or context for every practice. This assignment aims in thinking and explaining three broad practice contexts. Three broad practice contexts selected for this assignment includes remote areas health policy at the National level, individual counselling for gambling addiction, and community development to strengthen social networks in Katherine, NT. These three topics are of worth for our society, therefore requires immense interest and concentration from concerned authorities and societies.


Practice Level

In order to move ahead with the three selected broad practice contexts, it is essential to first explain the practice level of the selected broad practice contexts. First selected practice context i.e. remote areas health policy at the National level may be regarded as macro level practice because it focuses on systematic issues and tends to create macro level intervention. Second selected practice context i.e. individual counselling for gambling addiction may be regarded as a micro level practice because it includes personal interaction with consumer or client on an individual level or with a family or couple (Noble & Nash, 2012). Third selected practice context i.e. community development to strengthen social networks in Katherine, NT may be regarded as a mezzo level practice because it aims in bringing people together who are not as close as family members or couple for example the practice of community practice in order to strengthen social networks in Katherine, NT.

Practice Method

Selecting appropriate practice method for each practice level is of worth importance because improper selection of practice method may lead to adverse circumstances and may create several high level issues. Practice of social work involves the range of direct social work intervention with communities, ...