Sustainable Products

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The Morality of Consumers-led Design and the Responsibility of the Industrial Designers


The purpose of this paper was to explore Sony Corporation and its use of eco-friendly materials. Sony Corporation is a world leader in the consumer electronics market. Moreover, the paper discusses the products, which Sony manufactures under the category of sustainable products. In addition, the paper also discusses the responsibilities of the designers toward sustainable products and material selection. The brand name “Sony” has a significant number of loyal customers around the world. However, the paper also discusses the role of sustainable products in improving customers' loyalty. In other words, it has been a significant study about Sony's products.

Table of Contents



Eco-friendly Products and Responsibility1

VAIO Notebooks2

Sony Televisions3

More environment-friendly products3

Save energy with a Sony projector3

Sony Ericsson Phones: environmentally friendly and stylish4

Designer's Responsibility to the Consumer or to the Company4

Material Selection6

Procurement of Materials Used in Sony Products6





The Morality of Consumers-led Design and the Responsibility of the Industrial Designers


Sony is a leading Japanese conglomerate in the production of consumer electronics, video games, music and video, in general, information technology and communication. Sony has a reputation for introducing products that are accepted by the public. The Sony story begins in 1946 when the company was founded under the name Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation), on May 7th. The founders of the company are Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, both engineers, who had the idea of ??creating a company in which their products will help fulfill the dreams of its customers. In 1958, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki became the leader in creating recorders in Japan (Morris 2010, pp. 402-496). During that year, the company's founders decided to rename it, because it was very difficult to pronounce. That is how, the name Sony Corporation came into being in the global world.

Eco-friendly Products and Responsibility

In recent years, Sony has focused on deploying technologies, packaging and carriers seeking energy savings, the excessive removal of waste and protection of species. Using this idea, Sony is about a young audience and promotes more mature buyers, who care about the planet for future generations. Today, Sony is one of the most significant and largest conglomerates in the technological industry, whose output goes beyond television and radio production. At present, the company has a number of diversified companies in different businesses with more than 160,000 employees and sales of $7,475,400,012.

It has now become fashionable to do with sustainable development, global warming, alternative energy and green technology because we are at a crucial moment in which the resources are being depleted. Sony is no exception and for years the company has been affiliated with a network of socially responsible companies since the early 90's. The company eliminated the use of mercury in the manufacturing of batteries, and use "clean technology", which means using products free of hazardous substances. These products are also 100% recyclable for manufacturing of products (Städtler 2011, pp. 6-24). In addition, Sony incorporates eco-friendly elements from the acquisition of parts, manufacturing, processing, waste management and ...
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