Sustainable Practices

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Sustainable Practices in FM

Sustainable Practices in FM

Executive Summary

With the help of the industrial revolution, it has achieved the economic growth and the technological development u due to these developments our environment has also been affected. In a meeting in 2009 for the Copenhagen climate council, it was committed by the UK that it would reduced the carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. Here the important observation to is that carbon dioxide is not generated from the buildings or its elements. However, most of the carbon emissions occur due to the burning of the fossil fuels by every internal component. Due to this commitment the facilities management department at SSG has formed this report in response to the board of director's vision, which is to achieve sustainable buildings. These buildings should not only meet the business needs but should also satisfy the obligations of the government. This report begins with the discussion of how footprint is built up at SSG in terms of different activities, products, services and assets. Afterwards, the report argues for the reduction of carbon footprint rate. Finally, this report ends up with the recommendation of renewable technologies, which will help the SSG to reduce carbon footprint.

Project Background

SSG is located in London, UK. It is a low rise mixed use development, built on a three podium storey and it comprises of

Copper Fabrication Factory

50 serviced apartments

Retail facilities

How does a Carbon foot print built up at SSG

In order to reduce the carbon emissions it is essential at first place to understand that what does it mean by the term carbon footprint and how it is made. The total carbon footprint is defined as the total number of greenhouse gas emissions by an organization. Many activities are performed in different sort of businesses. If any of the processes or products of the business emits the green house gases than it will add to the carbon footprint of that business (Atkin, 2009, pp. 4). According to Kyoto protocol, carbon dioxide, Methane, Hydro Fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, Nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride are those gases that contribute to carbon footprint. There are two main types of the carbon footprint primary and secondary. The primary carbon footprints are those over which there is a direct control. On the other hand, secondary type is those which do not have direct influence.

Primary Carbon Footprint

It refers to all those activities which have a direct effect on our planet and the environment. For instance, burning fossil fuels directly, cooling and heating our premises and plugging the electronic devices.

Secondary Carbon foot print

It refers to all those secondary activities due to which the carbon footprint is affected. It is mostly concerned with the products, which people generally purchase like food and clothing and other types of products for our homes.

In the light of above discussed definitions and different categorization, it is now built the statistical figures of the existing project. IT gives a breakdown of carbon footprint, which is formed due to the different assets, activities and services ...