Sustainable Development

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Sustainable Development


The advancements in modern day communications and capitalistic oriented economic system have resulted in the growth in population, high level of food and water consumption, and a growing desire of governments to feed their populations through limited natural resources at hand. These rising demands are having an impact on our communities and natural environment including our quality of life. Cities and nations across the globe understand these challenges at hand and, and some of them have developed a growing concern for a desire live sustainably (springsgov, 2008).

The ongoing research paper is an attempt to understand to an extent how sustainable development can become the guiding principal to make cities more sustainable in nature. In this research, we will be arguing for the case of sustainable in the cities and try to assess the example of few cities who have already undertaken steps to make their localities more eco-friendly and sustainable in nature (springsgov, 2008, pp, 1-6).

The green Colorado Spring City

For instance, Colorado Spring city in United States is already working on the plan to transform themselves into a sustainable city for its upcoming generations. They have already established a vision for their city to grow in a sustainable way as mentioned in their strategic city plan. Their main objective is to promote a healthy and sustainable future for Colorado by committing to environment excellence, utilizing resources smartly, energy efficient, and sustainable improvement of achieving their identified eco-friendly objectives (springsgov, 2008, pp, 1-6).

The city has already initiated the project of executing various practices to promote sustainable development within its boundaries. At the moment, Colorado spring is investing in clean energy, which includes things ranging from installation of more efficient lights in the houses to upgrading HVAC machinery. The efforts of the city council in the form of water conservation plant outside the city administration building is not only allowing them to use water efficiently, but also giving awareness to the people regarding the benefits of water conservation (springsgov, 2008, pp, 1-6).

In addition, these people are already involved in the efforts of recycling things related to everyday use such as recycling of plastic and paper, and are trying their best to create the same habits among their family and friends. They are also reducing toxic materials from the new constructions happening in the city and are in the process of devising such laws which make it difficult for the construction industry to use such material which harm the environment of the city in any way possible. The implementation of these sustainable initiatives has already started giving financial incentive to the people of Colorado as they are saving energy cost by installing LED lights on the city streets, which has the potential to decrease the total consumption substantially (springsgov, 2008, pp, 1-6).

Majority of these initiatives have been under taken on a department level, and individual level and shows that the city government in general has not much ability to make such decision, and the positive outcome only comes when people on ...
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