Sustainability Plan Of London Olympics

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Sustainability Plan of London Olympics




The Sustainability Plan of London Olympics 20124

Climate Change5




Healthy Living6

Changing Places6

Analysis of Survey Questionnaire7




Questionnaire for Assessment of Sustainability of London Olympics13

Executive Summary

In the past, criticism has been made on Olympics Games for the environmental degradation caused by them through construction, waste, and transport; however, unlike to the previous Games, the sustainability achievements of London Olympic and

Paralympic Games 2012 had been praised because of its enormous success on several fronts. According to the commission established to keep tabs on the environmental impact of the London 2012 Games that it has been the greenest Olympics ever. Regeneration and recycling had been a success as stated by the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012. London is considered to set high standards to follow for cities hosting future Olympic Games. Sustainability was integral to bid of London for the Olympics and the organisers had largely got success in achieving it according to the commission report. The Olympic Park was admired for regeneration of a derelict area and promoting wildlife. The venues were stated to be constructed of a quarter recycled materials as a minimum - that comprised usage of abandoned gas pipes in the Olympic Stadium. Public transport was also an amazing success. London 2012 was considered as the first public transport Olympics in the world. The Olympic Park site was also hailed as one of the places in Europe that is best connected after long-term investing in infrastructure of public transport. In this report, we critically evaluate sustainability of the London 2012 Games. Both primary and secondary data had been gathered and analysed so as to analyse the efforts done in regards to sustainability in London Olympics Games 2012. It is proposed in this report that London had set an example for the cities hosting future Olympics Games; however, more could be done in the future to decrease the impact of future Olympic Games on the planet and people. On the whole, the sustainable Games of London have been an enormous success but there is a need to continuously improve just like the best sports teams.

Sustainability Plan of London Olympics


Sustainability was a crucial concern across all of the activities of London 2012 Organising Committee, from the moment the bid was won by London in July 2005 to host the 2012 Games, with organisers efficaciously setting in principles and objectives of sustainability in all domains of Games planning. The Olympic and Paralympic Games were held in London in summer 2012. One of the major changes to delivery of the Games that has emerged in the last 10 years is the concept of sustainability. In the report that was published by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to show why London was selected as the venue for the 2012 games, the sustainability plan was mentioned as an important factor in the success ( The strapline used by the 2012 organisers was “Inspire a Generation” and this too relates to issues of legacy and ...