Sustainability Of The London 2012 Games

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Sustainability of the London 2012 Games

Sustainability of the London 2012 Games

Sustainability of the London 2012 Games


It is important for a human body to be physically active for health benefits. However, in recent years the levels of physical disability issues have globally risen, due to the fact, that there has been a major lack in the levels of recommended physical activities (Barnes, 1991, pp. 54). A major reason for proper physical and mental health is to achieve a good amount of physical activities, which improves internal and external fitness. In addition, the Para Olympic Games or Paralympics are the events of multidisciplinary sports involving disabled athletes from around the world (Brittain, 2010, pp. 6-95). This year, London has been chosen for the purpose where hundreds of disabled people will gather to take an active participation in world's second largest sports event.

Today, it is 2012, where the electronic media is not just present but also plays an important role in highlighting different social issues. It is a fact that disabled people are regarded as special ones but they still face incorrect behaviour from different sectors of the society (Smith & Thomas, 2009, pp.25-98). There is no doubt that media as well as legislation system are making efforts to change the perception about disabled persons. However, the response in the society is slow as many disabled people are not heavily present in various areas of businesses. It is easy to understand that integration of disabled or special persons with the society is the only solution to change public perception about them. Similarly sporting events can be seen as a vital platform for the special or disabled persons to become an active member of the society through their presence in the worldwide sports events (Brittain, 2010, pp. 6-95).


All the discussion which is being explained as the legacy of the mega-sporting event, under the part of the4 legacy is being discussed in terms of economic benefits of the urban countries, and for the purpose of the tourism as well. However the main features of this legacy is the probable and the most prospective improvement in the line of volunteers, however the pre-volunteer. However the pre-volunteers have their association with the commonwealth games of 2002, which involved the training along with the qualification of the pre-volunteer program as well. Even though the long term monitoring was the only point which was lacking, which eventually resulted in the glitch, and thus nobody has the exact number of volunteers who performed or participated, and moved into the permanent employment as a result of the performance in the volunteer program (Webster, 2000, pp. 123).

The two games occur two seasonal games take place two years apart from each other, providing entertainment for the public on a more consistent basis. The first modern Olympic Games were an outstanding success. Despite the fact that the Olympics took less than 250 athletes, the game has become the largest sporting event ever passed from the time of ancient Greece. Greek officials were so pleased that put forward ...