Sustainability Framework

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Sustainability Framework

Executive Summary

Businesses operating in Australia and in India should work while keeping in mind the ethical issues and other rules and regulations of the country they are operating in. An Australian company that plans to work in India, for example, in the mining industry should make sure that they follow the rules and regulations established in India. The business must also make sure that they are working within the standards established in the world for all the workers in the mining industry. The accidents and the number of deaths that are caused in this industry are too high. Therefore, many standards were established in order to make sure that the number of deaths because of this falls. Once the standards were established, there was a noticeable decrease in the number deaths caused in the mining industry due to work. Moreover, when talking about corporate social responsibility, a business must make sure that they contribute to the environment by reinvesting their profits for a social cause. This will give the company a better outlook and their image of being socially responsible will become better. There are many ways by which a company can contribute to the environment and many companies like Nike and McDonalds are working in this way and contributing to the society in return. A good way of approaching this method by having the mindset, that when a business takes from the environment for their use, they should also plough back equally. This will keep the environment balanced and there will not be any shortage of resources this way.

Table of Contents

Sustainability Framework4


Corporate Social Responsibility5

Stakeholder Theory6

Three Threads6

Mining industry in India7

The Issues with Mining in India8

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)9



Reflective Journal11

Sustainability Framework


Corporate social responsibility is an important factor for all registered companies. They need to make sure that their operations do not affect the society negatively. Many companies in Australia face these issues the main reason is the external pressures that companies face. Although this should not be the case, all companies should have the ethical sense of following the rules and regulations of a country. They should not violate the resources in any way, be it human, natural or nay other resource of the country. While carrying on with the operations of the business, the company must make sure that they are contributing to the environment, not just taking from it. An example of contribution could be that when a company cuts trees for their usage, they can immediately plant more trees to balance the loss.

When talking about sustainability in Australia and India, managers should make sure that they do not violate the norms, rules and regulations of the country. If there is a need to protect the environment, the humans must make sure that the standard of living should be improved. When the living standards are low there are greater chances that the natural resources will be misused. This will happen because the people will not know how to handle the resources and once they get something ( ...
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