Sustainability And Corporate Social Responsibility

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Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility


Hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It is important for the people of the country to ensure that this industry works in the best manner and is able to produce effective results which will help them to give a boost to the industry. This means that the employees that are hired in the industry should be the ones who help the industry in earning more revenues and profits and will also help the companies operating in the industry.

On the other hand, it is important for the people to realize that the growth of the industry depends on the way of working and the operations of the business. This means that the management of the companies should make sure that all the needs of the customers are addressed and that they are given prime importance because they are the ones who will help the company in growing. Furthermore, there are a number of issues that hospitality industry faces. Thus, it is the responsibility of the companies to make sure that they work towards identifying the issues and resolving them. This paper will discuss the various issues that surround the industry and will then discuss one issue in detail.


It is important for the companies to realize that while working and earning revenues, they have a responsibility to fulfill and that they should be able to provide the customers with exactly what they need. This will not only help them in ensuring that they working in the right direction, but will also make them realize as to how they should work according to their own responsibilities. This section will discuss the hospitality industry i.e. what are the different issues that the industry faces and how it can work for ensuring that these issues are resolved.

Hospitality Industry

Hospitality industry helps the economies to grow and to earn huge revenues, which helps the economies in gaining more and in ensuring that they are earning according to the increase on tourism. It is important that the hospitality industry, commonly known as the tourism industry works to ensure that the people visiting the countries are able to get the best experience and also that they help them in ensuring that the best places are visited.

For ensuring that the tourism in the country improves and that it helps the country in earning more and making its economy stronger, it is important for the government to formulate strategies accordingly. This industry includes sectors of food and beverages, accommodation and maintenance (Garavan & McGuire, 2010, pp. 487-507). These three sectors should be focused on by the country and right strategies should be formulated so that they can work in the most efficient manner and will also help the people visiting the country to enjoy their trip and get the best experience. There are a number of issues that the industry is surrounded with and it should be made sure that the industry works ...
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