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It is my understanding that CRP wants me to work as a project manager and want me to write a request for proposal that how will I fulfill my duties and responsibilities in the company. Before requesting for a proposal it is required that I must understand the concept of business sustainability and its importance in the organization and how will it be helpful for the safety, social and environmental friendly. I will evaluate the company, RR Donnelley to better understand the business sustainability, which is implementing it effectively to be more productive and green business. By understanding the mission and core competencies of RR Donnelley, I will know the best practice to achieve business sustainability. I will evaluate the internal and external context for organization, and determine the risk management to assess risk. I will define points to determine the risk and their impacts and significance on organization and how to prevent risks. Understanding of leadership will allow me to give guidance my team members to achieve set targets and goals and achieve high class performance for the company. I will also me to give vision and set targets and goals by distributing roles and responsibilities to team members. The planning process phase will allow me to develop strategies and action plans to achieve those targets and goals. After setting objective and goals, and distributing roles and responsibilities to members, it is important for me to keep reviewing and managing the planning process and making it sure that it is implement effectively and efficiently in the organization. I will use my past work experience from Ralph Lauren and BMW by applying holistic approach in CRP.

Business Sustainability

Business sustainability is the process that a company uses to manage its financial, environmental and social risks, opportunities and obligations. These impacts can also be termed as profits, people and planet. A company adopts business sustainability to fulfill the needs of the organization and its stakeholders and at the same time sustaining, protecting and enhancing the social, environmental, and economic resources. Business sustainability is also called green business, which creates economic value and helps to achieve healthy ecosystems and well-built communities.

By using the approach of business sustainability, CRP can achieve its vision and mission effectively. I have worked in premier companies like Ralph Lauren and BMW, and as a project manager I can use my knowledge, skills, tools and techniques by applying into CRP's activities, products and services to achieve the following:

It will provide the context in which CRP will deal with its services, activities, and products.

It will clearly identify objectives and targets to achieve, which curtails from CRP's vision and mission.

It will help to remove hurdles that might prevent to CRP of achieve its targets and objectives.

It will help CRP to deal with hurdles by using mitigation strategies.

It will allow CRP to comprehend to continue to achieve its objectives and target when interruptions take place.

It will set criteria to prompt the CRP for emergency response and implementing crisis, recovery response, and ...
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