Sustainability 101

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The Historical Context of Sustainability


Sustainability has been a serious topic of contention and a serious problem for all the people in the world that we have today. In the times ahead of us, it becomes evident that not only do companies and organizations make way for the creation and the establishment of strategies and tactics embarking progress and excellence altogether. However, keeping in view of depleting resources not only stress the need upon businesses to assemble and advance such value offerings within their supposed surrounding and simultaneously perform their default duties and responsibilities towards the improvement and the stability of the environment. Whenever literary evidences and supporting articles are being referred and communicated for the changes and the challenges that are being felt and experienced over the passage of time, mostly the developed nations and countries across the globe are being brought into discussion. For this paper, our focus and concentration, revolves around the concentration and the deposits of natural gas that exist in the state of Croatia and that what benefits and consequences have been experienced by the people that living in country. Also, the paper would also include all those industries that make way for the development and the establishment of industries that are being fuelled by natural gas deposits within in the country. Finally, to conclude, the paper symbolically addresses the degree to which natural gas has contributed towards the development and the functionality of industries in the country and the future that is associated with natural gas in the future.

Key Words: Sustainability, Croatia, Natural Gas, Natural Gas effects, Croatian Natural Gas use. The Historical Context of Sustainability


In order to understand and comprehend how sustainability, it is necessary to understand and comprehend the impact and the assessment of how sustainability has changed our focus and concentration over the passage of time. Sustainability implies the discipline which promotes the capacity and the ability for any event, phenomenon or entity to endure for a certain time period.

Here, our focus rests onto the contributions that have been promulgated upon Croatia, which has been advancing and expanding its industrial base and the supposed development that it has managed to establish on the deposits and the reserves of natural gas that support and run the industries for supporting the country's economic structure and the corresponding national plans and international targets set for progress to make way for the country.

Also, apart from the environmental damages and destruction, the corresponding health conditions, problems, issues and concerns that rise with the excess utilization and development resorts to producing and surfacing health conditions and disorders. This not only provides for the degree to which people are being affected, but also what measures and strategies are they implementing and adopting amidst the presence of natural gas components over the passage of time.

Natural Gas: Importance and Significance

Natural gas, holding a similar position to oil, provides for the rotation of many industries across the globe, serving for almost ...