Surrealism And Harlem Renaissance

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Surrealism and Harlem Renaissance

Surrealism and Harlem Renaissance

Surrealism which was a cultural movement, which began in the year 1920. The Surrealism is very well known for its visual art workings and writings. It is the surrealist works features that work upon the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur; however, many Surrealist artists and writers regard their work as an expression of the philosophical movement first and foremost, with the works being an artifact. Leader André Breton was explicit in his assertion that Surrealism was above all a revolutionary movement. Surrealism was developed during the era of the WW1 out of the dada activities and the place which enhanced and boosted this movement was Paris. It was after the 1920's that this movement caught up hype and started to spread globally (Alastair and Gooding, 1995). This movement very well affected the fields of philosophy, social theory, music, visual arts etc. it was Guillaume Apollinaire who coined the word surrealist, and this appeared in his play for the very first time in the year 1917. It was the WW1 which had scattered everything in the world, and because of this the artistry of a lot of writers went in vain and so happened in Paris. During this era, a number of writers who had lost their way had become very well involved with Dada and believed that it was the excessive rational thoughts that had brought the misery of WW1. It was the Dadaists who started protesting against all those anti art gatherings that were taking place, and not just the anti art gatherings there were anti performance writings etc as well.

It was truly the environmental conditions of that era that had pushed the artists so Paris to start such a movement. It is very well observed in the entire world that whenever a war takes place, people are often exposed to material that they shouldn't be exposed to, and as a result of this, people are oppressed to such a behavior where they are seen as a different personality. No one would want a war, as it brings nothing but brutality and here it was the same. The Dadaists were in the favor of peace and never wanted any such thing like war to happen, when things were out of their control, they started to use their artistry to help this world get out of the trauma of the war as many people had been killed for no reason and it had distressed the life of a number of people. The Surrealists initially used to meet each other at cafes, and over there they used to play drawing games that would enable them to discover new ways to automatic drawings.

As these people continued to write, their work was so much fascinated by others that it grew in popularity. These people started believing that it was automatism which could help them bring a change to the society. People in this era were so much exhausted by the bloodshed ...
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