Surprised By The Voice Of God By Jack Deere

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Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere

Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere


Religion for many individuals plays a central role in their lives. It's not just a set of believes that will define a certain practice as a proof to be a believer. On the contrary, for many individuals religion defines and describes a complete code of lifestyles of individual. Moreover, religion for many believers is the only means to acknowledge and appreciate the presence of God. Hence, throughout for many, their relationship with God remains the most important priority. The very proofs of this fact are the myths told, films made and literature written about the relationship between God and Humans. The most important aspect of this relationship is the communication between God and his men. Several discussions held and several pieces written although highlights the point of view of many individuals regarding how they believe the connection works. Yet the mystery still awaits a definite and particular answer. Another of such famous literature piece that has made at attempt to describe the relation between the two entities and how the communication takes place include the book by Jack Deere commonly known as Surprised by the Voice of God.


Published in the year 2006, the book “Surprised by the Voice of God” remains one of the most appreciated and acknowledged boom in the Christian Community. While presenting certain facts in the book, Jack Deere in parallel opened the door to many other new possibilities that could take place while the creator of this universe communicates with his most extra ordinary creation that is Humans. However, with the basics of how this communication and its patterns may vary, Deere in his book has covered some of the very essential aspects of what role various other Christian elements have played as a bridge between God and his creation.

Deere's view of revelation and Scripture in the Book

The book because of its various dynamics has achieved a lot of appreciation throughout. That is because Deere has presented in a very peculiar way some of the widely believed concepts by the Christians. However, the very reason Deere's book hold an edge over other books in the context is the fact that he has introduced some very new yet interesting aspects in those traditional aspects. Therefore, there will also be several readers that will not be able to relate with Deere's fusion of traditional and new opinions.

One of these areas includes the concept of scripture and revelations discussed in the Deere's piece of writing. Deere at various occasions has declared that with all the Power and authority that the Lord holds for himself gives him the power to communicate to men through a number of different ways. Be it for whatever reason, God has communicated with men even in the past with the help of several different ways.

Deere through his book has also informed the readers of the several ways God can communicate to ...
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