Surgical Errors In Australia Public Hospital How It Affect The Patient's Life

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Surgical Errors in Australia Public Hospital How It Affect the Patient's Life

Surgical Errors in Australia Public Hospital How It Affect the Patient's Life


Modern surgical methods have contributed in significant manner, for saving lives of human, it has helped in improving human life quality, by offering value added services, aimed for improving physical appearance in order to overcome the harmful habits and diseases, Success of this surgical methods can be admired and it cannot be tone down as the aggressive act is questionable in medical profession, specifically regulatory and governmental agencies role and large medical industry, as due to the poor surgical methods patients suffers from poor health, Basically, medical profession is responsible for investigating, defining, clearing and eliminating situation, which have unethical medical practice and flaw resulting in surgical errors.

The medical profession has not been aggressive enough in its pursuit of exploring the fundamental weaknesses in its organizational structures and individuals that repeatedly generate errors. The profession relies heavily on self-governance and regulation, thereby concealing the weaknesses of a minority of its members who because of its incompetence, negligence, lack of operational process clarity or for other reasons. In addition, the medical profession is finding itself vulnerable to external forces that are making it commit and shoulder additional errors. These external forces are the external regulators and licensers of drugs, medical devices and therapeutics and their suppliers, who are allowing the profession to use unsafe products to the detriment of patients. Only recently, the profession has started to take the issue more seriously, but not in a comprehensive manner. Surgical errors occurs in hospitals because many predictions related to surgery are misinterpreted and medical staff of hospital does not pay proper attention to patient, Therefore few Mistakes or errors takes place at initial stage of surgery at physicians office.

According to one study, it has been examined that around twenty seven thousands incidents in Australia reported by six thousand doctors during 2002-08. Several medical communities have also assured this fact that previously, these kinds of combination were rare, moreover, one in every one hundred and ten thousand surgeries, errors were common, with the help of this research it has been proved that surgical errors are no more rare. Every year two hundred million operations takes place, worldwide, there is definitely a higher probability of surgical error, which sometimes results in deaths, and complications, Many a times one mistake can lead to a serious situation, in which life can be at stake, In order to keep something simple, a method of procedural checklist can dramatically shift the things in favour of patient and doctor, in my view implementation of procedural checklist can help to overcome surgical error (Meinberg EG, 2003).

Surgery is often considered a three-part process. It consists of pre-surgical preparation, the procedures itself, and post-operative recovery. Each part is equally important, as a patient can suffer serious harm if there is an error during any of these steps. When a surgical error does occur, it can have a number of adverse effects ...
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