Supply Chain Management

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Supply Chain Management



Potential Impact of the New Requirements4

Role of Effective Procurement Framework4

Role of Effective Governance10

Role of Performance Management12

Role of Fair Means of Payment14

Wider Social and Economic Benefits15

Critical Review of the Current Business Model16

Proposals for Change for Maximising the Performance of Organisation18



Supply Chain Management


The independent island of New Albany became a part of political union of United Kingdom of Northern Island and Great Britain. This incident happened in 1st October in 2013. Due to this change, New Albany needs to be subjected to community regulations and rules of Europe and United Kingdom. Consequently, like every other sector, construction industry of New Albany needs to obey all of the community regulations and rules (Dr. Watermeyer, 2010, p.1). The construction sector of New Albany will define its code of ethics and it will set its rules and regulations in compliance with the regulations and rules of United Kingdom. The government of New Albany has implemented the existing policy drive of United Kingdom in order to achieve growth. In this way, the government of New Albany achieving efficiencies in all of their sectors with the help of procurement which are handled by public money, indirectly or directly (Dr. Watermeyer, 2010, p.1).

The construction organization will understand all of the requirements in order to gain efficiencies in their operations and performance by adopting all defined regulations and rules which have been described by the government of United Kingdom. These regulations and rules which are necessary to be adopted by the government of New Albany in their construction sector will require the procurement through framework arrangements and client consortia (Dr. Watermeyer, 2010, p.1). These strategies and rules will require effective governance of relationships with all of the stakeholders who are involved throughout the supply chain. Furthermore, these proposed regulations and rules will effectively deal with the performance which is included in all of the stages of the procurement process. In addition, the obedience of rules and regulations in accordance with the policies of United Kingdom will help in developing resilient and strong supply chains by ensuring fair means of payment for each of the stakeholder involved in the construction project (Dr. Watermeyer, 2010, p.1). As a result, these defined regulations and rules which are mandatory to be followed by the construction industry of New Albany will provide wider economic and social benefits to local communities. Thus, the obedience or compliance with the regulations and rules defined by the government of United Kingdom to the government of New Albany will help in ensuring environmentally protected and safe construction plan to the construction industry of New Albany (Dr. Watermeyer, 2010, p.1).


The plan of government of New Albany to support growth in construction sector highlights the essential significance of an effective and efficient construction sector. This effective and efficient construction sector of the New Albany will follow all the mandatory regulations and rules of United Kingdom's government which will help in contributing to the economy of New Albany (North West Construction Hub, 2012, ...
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