Supply Chain Management

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management


In today's globalized world in which our organizations are submerged and whose competitive environment leads to a permanent revision of the concepts and strategies methodology makes the leaders of these organizations maintain a position of waiting what happens daily in the world: new management trends, new technological tools, the most advanced software, journals, etc..

High levels of competition in international markets and our country, have led to companies concluded that to survive and succeed in more aggressive environments, no enough to improve their operations and integrate their internal functions, but it is necessary to go beyond the borders of the company and initiate information exchange relationships, materials and resources with suppliers and customers in a much more integrated approaches using innovative benefit, together all actors in the supply chain (Mentzer, et., al., 2007, pp. 2-9).

Companies like Kellogg are the cornerstone to diversify and expand export supply in all industrial sectors of the country, it is necessary to establish mechanisms for stimulating small and medium enterprises that can feed the productive capacity of businesses exporters, are also in the medium term, responsible for providing employment to people medium and low level of qualification, which constitute the bulk of unemployment in Colombia. Without however, suffer from structural problems identified by the low rating of appeal human, technological constraints and access to capital, limited access to financial resources, low quality of corporate governance and reduced integration in the markets.

There are many aspects within the supply chain that improve the performance of the same, there are processes that allow you to implement strategies and target different markets. The different distribution strategies allow you to implement procedures to help minimize the product supply time and cost of maintenance of inventories, as in a market where revenues are reduced, it is important to consider the optimal execution material distribution for the operation of the enterprise.

On the other hand, is very important to consider strategic alliances can be formed between the different companies to achieve long-term competitive advantage, because with this type of alliances can reduce costs along the chain (Johnson & Pyke, 2007, pp. 409-20).


Management of the supply chain ??(SCM)

Managing the Supply Chain is emerging as the combination of technology and best business practices throughout the world. Companies have improved their internal operations are now working to greater savings and benefits by improving processes and information exchanges occur between business partners.

"Management of the Supply Chain is the planning, organization and control of activities of the supply chain. Is involved in these activities flow management monetary, product or service information throughout the supply chain, with In order to maximize the value of the product / service delivered to final consumers while diminish the costs of the organization."

A successful supply chain delivery to final customers the right product at the place right and at the right time, the required price and the lowest possible cost (Bello & Zhu, 2007, pp. 456-65). Supply Chain brings together business processes of multiple companies, as well as different divisions and departments ...
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