Supplementary Assessment

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Supplementary Assessment

Supplementary Assessment


The teachers develop the plans and the curriculum structures in order to assist their students to achieve the required learning outcomes. As there are different types of children in the classes who have different types mental capabilities, therefore the teachers are required to develop the curriculum structures that can best apply to all the students and all the students can get the desired learning objectives. There are certain questions that are required to be answered while developing the learning plans. These particularly involve what the students are required to learn, what strategy will be used to involve the children in the learning strategy, and how the students will be assessed to know that they learned the desired skills and abilities (Brown, A. L., J. Bransford, et al., 1999). The following section aims at discussing the questions that are related to the development of the learning objectives.


Q1) In what ways can a lesson plan be different to meet the needs of a wide range of students?

The lesson plan has the same objective for all the children in the class, however the difference in the children's mental capabilities make it difficult for the teachers to assist all the children to achieve the desired learning objective. The learning designs involves the approaches for the designing the learning procedures, the use of learning materials and the instruments as well as the implementation of the learning styles (Carol Ann T., 2012). The children in a class room are different from each other in many ways. They are different in quickly getting the points of the teacher; they are different in making mind maps because some children are slow in processing the learning in their minds. According to these differences among the children, the learning plans may be different for different types of children. The teachers may develop learning plans for different types of children in order to control the learning procedures of the children in better manner. However, the learning curriculum of the class remains same. In developing the learning plans, the teachers may use different types of techniques that though implements upon all the children but the primary focus is upon the children who are weak and slow in their learning procedures. The other aspects of the plans involve involving extensively the weak children in the learning activities, taking the feed backs from the children as this assist the teachers in knowing that what the student want and in what way the student is facing the difficulty. As a learning plan, the teachers use a number of instructional methods while showing the learning material to the students. Most of the students in the primary classes are attracted towards the colorful pictures and the pictorial stories in order to learn the lesson. Therefore as a learning plan in order to teach the children with different mental level, the teachers use the colorful and the pictorial arts in order to teach the children (Jeanne M. and Machado, C., 2012). The learning plans also involve the ...
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