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The book Getting to Yes, 2nd ed by Fisher, Roger discusses the concept of negotiating and how it can be improved. It also discusses the concept of the factors responsible for negotiating. The overall vision of the problem is to look from afar the problem, away from the situation to see it objectively, look at the issue in question from all possible perspectives. Invite the speaker to also examine the problem from all points of view feasible. With global vision negotiators discussed in depth the problem by facilitating the discovery of interest and creating options for mutual benefit (Barry, 2004).

Separate the people from the problem First to create value in the negotiation must separate the people from the problem. Negotiators are people with goals, emotions, values and point of view. Sometimes the relationship tends to intermingle with the problem. Therefore, separate from the relationship of the problem. We address the problem directly. We will be hard on the problem and soft on people. At all times avoid reacting to the attacks of the other party, if any. Recover your sanity. Help the opponent to also recover his mental balance. We will create a favorable climate for negotiation. Recognizing the objectives, the point of view and emotions of the other party. Practice active listening and technical questions. We will be in place. Imitate their speech and nonverbal language. We earn your trust and closer relationship with her. We are intensely emotional creatures that we often radically different perceptions and we have trouble communicating clearly. Before starting work on the underlying problem must be separately identified and addressed "the problem of people.”

Individuals must see themselves as engaged in a work side by side, attacking the problem, not attacking each other. The separation of people and the problem allows an understanding with the other negotiator as a human being directly and with empathy, making possible an amicable agreement. Understand that negotiators are people, not just the abstract representatives of the "other side" but with human beings. They have emotions, deeply held values, different backgrounds and viewpoints, and are unpredictable. Just like us. Another thing to avoid is to not let the substantive issues are confused with the psychological is that people derive from the comments on matters of substance unfounded inferences which are then treated as facts about the other person's intentions and attitudes towards them.

Focus on interests, not positions To expand the negotiation pie, we should focus on interests not positions. The main problem of negotiation is not based on the positions, but in the conflict between the needs of each party. Position are concrete things that negotiators want, what you want. The position is the answer to the question "What do you want?". The positions limit the number of alternatives that can develop either party. Discuss the positions produce arrangements fruitless debate because each negotiator is closed positions more in their positions and defend deeply. In discussing the positions jeopardizes the relationship between the negotiating ...
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