Supervisory Development Plan bmgt 391/6380/Semester 1306

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Supervisory Development Plan

BMGT 391/6380/Semester 1306

Supervisory Development Plan


The supervisor, in today's business is an important link between the goals of company and to those people who are important to achieve the goals. Supervisors communicate with top management and people who can achieve these goals. The role of supervisor in this sense is very crucial and serves as the life line within the organization. Supervisors provide facilities to all the process that are required to keep the operations of the business activities working. Due to the significance functions supervisors play, their role is very crucial to decide the success of the organizations. The decisions they take on daily basis have impact on the profit, morale and motivation. Due to such a significance of supervisors, business organizations take it very serious to enhance and upgrade the performance of the supervisors. But there are some exceptional cases and most of the supervisors do not have the proper training or no supervisory training.

To enhance the supervisory skills, organizations arrange different kinds of training programs. Supervisory development plan is an effort that is aimed to enhance the capacity of learners to become the supervisors. The purpose of these training is to imbue basic management skills such as planning, decision making, delegation, problem solving and meeting managements. Organizing teams, analyzing the needs for and creating new jobs and definition of job roles, observation of employees while performing their respective jobs, giving feedback to upper management, addressing performance issues and firing and hiring of new employees etc are some important function of supervisory plan. In short the ambit of supervisory development plan is very broad and it includes all those functions which ensure the complete conformance to the organizational policies and optimization of business operations.


The process of supervisor development is open-ended, structure and a pragmatic approach to develop supervisory skills. Some people confuse it with teaching program, but it is designed to engage supervisors into result oriented process in professional and personal growth. The development plan thus creates a link between productivity and profit of the company and supervisory skills (Enrichment strategies, 2008).

The successful supervisory planning is focused to increase the performance of the supervisors and it is developed in such a way that results in the real performance enhancement. The key characteristics of supervisor development plan includes the process of goal setting, the action plan required to address the goal preferences, assessment of one's actual performance, controlling and managing the user time, communication process especially upward communication, motivation, performance appraisal, decision making and problem solving (Dolgoff, 2005).

The main purpose of the supervisor programs is to make supervisor enable to become performance oriented for themselves and for their employees. In other words, such development programs create an environment of accountability in which supervisor compares his/her own performance and employees. The general objective of supervisor development plans is to enable supervisors to perform at par level, but for individual participants the results are more specific. Skills required setting goals, motivation and development of employees, confidence development for the purpose of ...