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Supermarket Website

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Designing Website of Supermarket

Designing Website of Supermarket


Website building is a lot of fun, and with the help of several freely available tools one can build an incredible professional website within no time. Website designed relates to a super market which will help the consumers to buy all the grocery or household products online. When an organization comes up with the concept of having its own site then following things must be considered:

Audience must be defined, and a website must appeal to the taste and needs of them. This will have an overall influence in the way site is designed.

Competitors' website must be viewed. This will help in thinking about how your website will look like and helps in creating a unique and different site.

Coming with a good name is also very important and the website must have logo and company image on the site page.

Content should be gathered in the form of copy or text, images, and video stuff.

Designing decision would be in the form of creating a site map or structure which includes home, content and about.

Good colour palettes or combinations must be picked for the site and for this target audience must be in mind.

Different fonts must be selected to completely give a different image to the website.

Free Blog platform must be there.

Template must be choose and must have customizing option available.

Once the website is ready go for linking it to social networks.


Business rationale and requirements for the website

Potentially, there are following four Internet Operating Models that are to be considered while developing strategic website (

E-Commerce: it is the model use to generate revenues during the sale and purchase of products and services offered online.

Generation of Lead: Well qualified/pre qualified online leads must be generated for conversing in future through offline distribution channels.

Availability of Subscription/Content: For the consumption of consumer provide the relevant content of availing the website service.

Providing Support/Self-Service: retail self service must be allowed and support must be through application tools and interacting online.

Figure 1: Business Model Framework (Source: Hamel, G. (2000). Leading the Revolution. Boston, Harvard Business School Press: 96)

Basis for setting up online supermarkets on a website the above given framework gives a clear understanding of how to cater the customers of your business. The model explains that by giving value to customers will improve the revenue generation, relationships by creating impressive first impression and reputation, information delivery is improved to ...
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