Summary Of Marketing Plan

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Summary of Marketing Plan

Summary of Marketing Plan


The external situation Of the GU Company is mainly affected largely with the increased pressure of the UK government on the food companies. The economical challenges that the company faces is the turbulent changes occurring in the economy that has affected the buying pattern of the customers. With the increased pressures from the government UK government has increased up to 20 percent on the food items that impacted the profit margin of the GU. The competitors in the desserts market include a large pool and are considered as working in the red ocean because of heavy competition.

The global economic crisis has affected the choices and preferences of the customers. They are more likely to be attracted by the price instead of being loyal to the product. Customers show preferences for healthy and light products that promotes a healthier lifestyle. The GU success is largely shown because of the improvement in communication and coordination with the external entities. GU has been implementing changes with the turbulent changes in the economy and is successful in adopting the production machineries for the efficient and effective working. GU has been working as a socially responsible enterprise because of their key concerns on the environmental factors. Reducing the product wastage and introducing the recycling package ensures their vulnerability in environment (Moschis, 1994, pp.67-92).


The GU has been recognized as a unique and differentiated product because of its product positioning. Penetrate the consumer's mind and leave an imprint brand is the goal of any GU's marketing department, but that destiny has different ways, and one of them is to associate the brand image of quality. GU offers premium products and is highly active in giving the customers the best and altered products according to their needs. The packaging and advertising of GU has played an immense role in the recognition of the brand. GU has been faced with the key challenges such as competition and mature market that has become a barrier in their successful marketing. The events that the GU undertakes solely play an important part in the profitability of the company. The increased recession world wide has been a major challenge for the company as the customers are shifting their preferences because of the high prices of the company's products. Even though GU has been successful in the market place but they have ...
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