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Summary (12-19)

The age of renaissance is known for its rebirth and recovery in the world when the entire world has reached the period of saturation and badly needed some innovation. North German Coastal towns have created their bases known as Hansa. The trade was expanded and by 1500 over eighty cities were associated with the League. It had developed the settlements and commercial bases in several of the cities in England and northern Europe and prime towns of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The economic depression of 14th century had an immense influence on the trends of manufacturing in the regions. The woollen industries of Flanders and others in north Italian cities were destroyed that compelled the need for new industries. Besides, in the field of banking and medicine the city of Florence resumed its pre-eminence especially in the field of banking. The social trends changed and imposed low income for nobles and peasants made Third Estate and continued its 85 to 90% making of the population. The family life also took a turn and sexual-orientation got structured giving more room to emotional bonding. Political holdings got better as in acquiring proper infrastructure. The renaissance affected the aesthetic sense of the artists and introduced new norms in painting (Spielvogel, 345-410).

This was the time when the resistance from Ottoman Empire also started. The religious welfare was also the part of change that Luther King was the prominent figure who introduced Protestants in the world. Calvinists became popular in the same era. The role of the women also changed. Papacy was the league of popes that was intended to command the religion. Queen Mary died and Queen Elizabeth came into power. Her policies were more inclined towards modernism. She gave a new reform to parliament system.

By the end of 15th century, Europeans had already sailed into the distant world to explore in a new way. In the beginning there were only few Portuguese ships that ruled the sea. In the later years, British also gave their efforts in the same direction. It was the time when slave trade became the business, at the same time gold was also the attraction for the merchants. However, by 1700s the slavery had been discarded with severe criticism. Columbus and Vasco da Gama reached till Indian Ocean. This opened the door of new world by introducing spices and other Indian specialties. The countries ...
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