Summaries And Comparison Of Movies

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Summaries and Comparison of Movies

Summaries and Comparison of Movies

Conquest of paradise and Truly Revolution (Quilombo)

Conquest of Paradise Summary

The story of the movie is about the discovery of the New World and how it affected the indigenous people. The story starts with how Christopher Columbus tries to persuade different people for his venture and finally after seven years of struggles, Queen Isabella grants him the permission. However, he has his own demands to have certain portion of new wealth, to be declared the governor of new land and made a knight. After several months of travel he arrives on an Island but was puzzled to see something quite different from the description of Marco Polo. Although he first adopts the policy to live peacefully with the natives but later his ambitions lost control and it turned the paradise into living hell for the natives.

Truly Revolution (Quilombo) Summary

The film tracks the origin of Quilombo which is a real-life democratic society in Brazil comprising escaped salves. The film is about the century long rise and decline of Palmares. It is set in 1650 when the slaves of plantation revolt and move towards the mountains where they locate others who were led by an aged psychic, Acotirene. Ganga Zumba becomes the legendary kings, who after years agree to vacant the mountain in exchange for peace and reservation land. The decision turned out to be a mistake. A warrior among them, Zumbi stays in the mountains to lead Palmares. The Portuguese try to crush this rebel nation but everything went in vain. Finally, they import a cruel captain from Sao Paulo leading the attack on this free black nation.


Conquest of paradise is a production of Ridley Scott in which he has given a snapshot of history with par excellence. The movie has brilliantly depicted the atmosphere of dread, fear and ignorance in the medieval Spain. Quilombo, on the other hand, is also a historical movie. This movie portrays a remote-living community created by the runaway slaves. If Conquest of paradise is about the discovery of new world and turning the lives of natives into hell, then Quilombo is about the struggle of runaway slaves to hold off the Portuguese's attempts of crushing their independence. Both films convey the history within a framework of interpretation. Quilombo glorifies the rich tribal life of a culture freed of the burden of Christian civilization and Conquest of Paradise upholds the invasion and its effects on indigenous people. In their general forms, both movies have worked to subvert a great tradition of history on film, i.e. its realism. For viewers who are interested in historical films, the major importance of both movies rest in accurate details than the way opts to portray the past. Although, both movies are products from different world, Conquest of Paradise by Hollywood and Quilombo by Brazilian industry, they point towards the narrative form of 20th century and to the requirement for modernism in its various forms.

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