Suicide Among African Americans

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Suicide among African Americans

Suicide among African Americans


Suicide is the act by which a person voluntarily and knowingly procures the death. Suicide is the extreme self-defeating gesture, typical in severe mental illness, particularly in people suffering from severe depression and / or personality disorders with psychotic. Of course, they may well be determined by practical events, such as disappointment in love, health or aesthetic, social, Mobbing family, mockery, bullying (Langwith, 2008).


Suicide in the United States of America

Suicide is a major public health problem. About 30,000 people die by suicide each year in the United States. More people die by suicide each year than by homicide. Suicide is tragic. However, often it is preventable. Knowing the risk factors for suicide and know who are exposed to these factors can help reduce the suicide rate. Blacks are still suffering from the legacy of slavery. They remain a target of institutionalized racism and discrimination economic disparities and health care to their disadvantage in almost all social categories Blacks are the first group of individuals seeking the help they need to treat mental illness or depression, yet this is the last get it. It is also regrettable that only 9.3% of psychiatrists are black, making it more difficult access to care by therapists same cultural sensitivity (Langwith, 2008).

Already in 2003, the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) was reported in a report that on average an African-American dies by suicide every half past four. Nevertheless, in 2006, researchers in a study published in the Journal of Black Psychology, wrote that blacks "repelled the idea of suicide because of their religious beliefs, turning to God when they need help since he alone had full authority over life and death. A large number of African-Americans polled in the survey reported that the fear of eternal damnation was their ...
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