Succession Planning Assessment

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Succession Planning Assessment

Succession Planning Assessment


Succession planning includes a preference for hiring internally only when an internal candidate is better prepared or more qualified than an external candidate to assume a vacant leadership position. In this paper we will study the factors that should be considered while identifying potential candidates for leadership positions. In addition, this paper will discuss the six fundamentals of using assessment for growth-focused succession planning. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the different types of assessments that may be appropriate for use in succession planning. In the end the paper will discuss the set of best practices for using assessment for succession planning .


Factors for Potential Candidates for Leadership Positions

Intuitively, organizations look for some characteristic in potential candidate for leadership positions, those who do not believe in prediction for leadership success at all. These organizations have a belief that following criteria is effective for identification of potential candi

Top Performers

A group of higher performing employees with leadership potential can be prepared for future vacancies. On the far side of the spectrum, a highly specialized succession plan may include only preparing a few top candidates for specific key leadership positions. It is certainly important for organizations to identify and prepare future leaders, especially in light of the aging of current organizational leaders (Dahlke, 2012).

Commitment to Job and Responsibilities

the commitment of the successor as well as the confidence of the incumbent in his ability play a significant role in the confirmation of the intention of succession among the predecessors and in the concretization of planning activities of the transfer of leadership which appear mainly in the preparation of the successors (Dahlke, 2012).

Team Players and Independent Decision Makers

In general, team players in organizations are promoted to top positions in the management, since they make the problems easily solvable for their leaders and reporting authorities. They facilitate smooth business operations, however in top management positions, these people have to be individual worker and independent decision makers as well (Berke, 2005).

Operational Proficiency

In this time, when leadership management is completely skewed towards broad visions and plans, it is possible that proficiency in organizations can be helpful. Proficient managers can excel at the present systems and policies. They comply with the systems of organizations and policies. It is necessary at every level of the organization (Atwood, 2007).

Personal Effort for Collective Interest

A good leader takes a personal inventory in order to effect growth and become a better leader. He knows flexibility is always part of the job. He is the ultimate example of what he wants his leadership team to be. He is constantly on display, always being cognizant to set an example (Nestor-Baker and Hoy, 2001). It should make no difference whether he is at his job or out in the community. He might be tough to work for, but he should always be ready with praise (ROTHWELL, 2010).

Fundamentals of Using Assessment for Growth-Focused Succession Planning

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It has been observed that organizations have been unprepared for unanticipated crises or ...
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