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Not everyone is successful in their lives and the field that they join or in the field that they are studying. To me a person is successful if he has faced the failures in his life with courage and has remained throughout his life. A person who has struggled in life and has made sure that he doesn't lose hope even after everything including fate has been against him. Success to me means remaining motivated and courageous even after the person has been facing the hardest of times. The person should always be strong and should always be ready to accept whatever life has to offer.


Success is a term that has different meaning to different people. For me success means remaining positive about everything in life and accepting things with a smile on your smile. This helps a person in moving ahead and working towards the goal of his or her life. People who fail numerous times are the ones who know what success really means. People who have been successful without failing do not know the real meaning of success nor do they realize the importance of success. This happens because they have never struggled and have never worked hard to achieve success.

Success is a feeling that one gets after he struggles and works hard in his life. He is satisfied when he receives success as he has been working really hard for it. This is the reason there are not many people who are satisfied with their success. People who have worked hard are the only ones who are satisfied and know the real meaning of success. They have been the ones who deserve success as they have worked really hard in their lives.

A person is successful when he has worked day in and day out and has been facing failure consistently. Failures are the real lessons in life and there is no great person who hasn't failed. All the great people whom he admire and get influenced from have failed a lot of times in their life. it was the motivation and the drive that has made them successful today and has made them what they are today. Success is a concept that not everyone can understand. People who are unsuccessful or who are working hard know the real meaning of success. Ask a person what he feels when he achieves something that he has ...
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