Substance Abuse In Usa.

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Substance Abuse in USA.


Substance Abuse in USA1



Risk factors2





Risk Prevention4




Substance Abuse in USA


Of the many psychological issues plaguing the world today, perhaps one of the most serious is that caused by the abuse of controlled and/or illegal substances.  Drugs such as morphine, cocaine, and methamphetamines all fall under the category of controlled and illegal substances.  Unfortunately, despite the restrictions and bans that the government puts on the sale and consumption of these substances, many of them can be bought on the street from dealers.

The World Health Organization classifies substance abuse as the abuse of substances that leads to a dependence syndrome in the abuser, leading to a number of physiological, behavioral and mental changes. These substances are often psychoactive, meaning they affect the functioning of the brain directly resulting in changes in consciousness, behavior and mood. The dependence syndrome develops after repeated use of the substance resulting in the inability in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite suffering from the harmful effects or becoming aware of the harmful consequences and giving priority to the drug use over all other responsibilities or activities ( Nevid and Rathus in the ninth edition of Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment in the New Millennium have identified psychology as playing a major role in a person's  health. One's personality, behavior and reaction to stressors all affect a person's susceptibility to certain diseases and addictions.  Psychology plays a major role in identifying factors which contribute to ill health such as unhealthy health choices and lifestyles, reaction to stress stimulators, behavioral patterns leading to self destruction such as low self esteem and psychological conflicts such as pessimistic outlooks, depression or anxiety. Psychology plays a role in understanding and managing these health problems or patterns and finding ways to counter or alleviate them. (Nevid, J. S., & Rathus, S. A. 2005)


Risk factors

There are a number of risk factors which can affect a person's susceptibility to drugs. When an individual is young and in their teenage years, peer pressure can be a large risk factor that pushes people into trying drugs.  Depression, anxiety, and even mood swings can make a person turn to drugs as a sort of escape from those feelings.  Other risk factors include gateway drugs such as marijuana and tobacco.  The legality of marijuana is still an issue of contention, and in some states it is still considered and treated as a controlled substance.  That being said, tobacco is legal in every state and country, even if federal and state law restricts where one can smoke.  Tobacco has a similar if weaker effect as other controlled substances such as marijuana in that it acts as a stimulant when smoked.

Often an individual will smoke tobacco in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, making its consumption very easy.  Marijuana is often smoked in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette and then smoked. As time passes, a tolerance for tobacco will develop, requiring more and more tobacco to be smoked in order to get the same effect ...
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