Substance Abuse In The Workplace

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Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Substance Abuse in the Workplace


There are different reasons why people get addicted to substances. The major causes are the environmental and the socio-cultural factors. These are the ones that contribute to the increasing percentage of substance use and abuse. Substance abuse in the workplace is an issue that needs to be addressed and it should be made sure that workers do not indulge in such activities. This will help them in leading a healthy life and will also ensure that effective steps are taken for improving their quality of life. If a person is living in an environment where the percentage of substance use is high and there are a number of people who consume it, they will also start consuming it. The culture of the place the person is living in also impacts the behavior and habit of the person. It is in the favor of the person to know more about the dangers and the risks of substance use and abuse. This will help them in getting rid of this habit that is not good for their health and can even cause death in severe cases.


Substance use is defined as using something that is the habit of the person, or he is using the substance for a purpose or does so habitually. Substance abuse becomes substance misuse when the person is not taking the medications according to the prescribe dosage, and consume a higher dosage. Substances also include alcohol and drugs and they turn into abuse if its consumption becomes harmful for the person consuming it ( Substance dependency means that the person is unable to control the urge of consuming those substances and he heavily depends on such substances.

Use of substances harms the life of the people and they are unable to concentrate on their work and they are also unable to work effectively. There are certain employees in each company who use these substances on a regular basis; however, if the company sees that the number of employees engaged in such activities is increasing, they take action against it. The International Labour Organization (ILO) found the following results when employees were involved in the use of drugs and alcohol. Absenteeism was very high for the employees who were addicted to alcohol and drugs. Sick benefits were claimed by these people much before as compared to the other employees. The percentage of injuries was huge and much higher for such employees rather than the other employees at work.

Research has found that addiction is the cause for the ongoing usage of substances. When a person starts consuming drugs in large quantities, and consumes it frequently, he becomes addicted to it. When he becomes addicted to it, he develops a need and an urge for it, and when that urge and need is not fulfilled, it causes depression. This is the neuro-chemical basis for the ongoing use of substances (Spell & Blum, 2005). It is important for the people to know the side ...
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