Substance Abuse

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Characteristics of an Abuser

Following are the main characteristics of an abuser. The abuser's relationship with the victims is intense and dependent. Most of the abusers have friends, and they also have the special talents. The abusers abuse different things like the various types of alcohol and drugs. They also become protective while dating with their partners. Sometimes it happens that abusers have the dual personalities. They also face difficulties in the expression of their feelings. The abuser has the explosive temper and their anger becomes difficult to manage. Abuser also does not confess his/her fault, and blame their partners. They are the users of alcohol, drugs and other abusive behaviours (Ames, 2009).

Role Substance Abuse Plays In Domestic Violence

Substance abuse is also known as drug abuse which is a pattern of the usage of any kind of drugs or alcohol which makes a user dependent on its use for survival. This term has different definitions in different contexts but primarily refers to negativity of the use of drugs. The drugs that are often associated with substance abuse include alcohol, “barbiturates”, “amphetamines” and “methaqualone” (Ames, 2009). There is a great role of substance abuse in domestic violence. Substance abuse is mainly the usage of drugs. Usage of drugs leads to various kinds of harm in terms of social, physical and psychological harm and also leads to criminal penalty at times but this depends on the local jurisdiction of a country (Ames, 2009). There are different cases and examples related to the substance abusers. One of the examples is of a 49 year old man named Henry James rersiding in New York. He had become a victim of drugs. He started consuming a huge amount of drugs, and a time came when he became poor because of the drug purchase. ...
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