Subject Matter Expert- Disaster Management

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Subject Matter Expert- Disaster Management

Subject Matter Expert- Disaster Management


Risks of predictable and unpredictable disasters are increasing with the passage of time. Both of the natural and manmade disaster can strike a nation at any time. Owing to this fact, there is a need to develop an emergency plan while recognizing the most potential disasters. 12 states comprises the Midwestern United States in the north-eastern and north-central US. Considering the climate and existing political situations of the country, two natural and manmade disasters are identified in this paper along with the solutions to combat them.


Natural disaster

A natural disaster is a natural event causing major disruptions that could cause great human and material damage. While natural disasters are caused by weather, earthquake or other causes over which man has no control, their balance sheets are highly dependent on the human factor. The fight against natural disasters is through prevention (zoning, safety, and education), the warning systems (sirens, weather report) and relief and interventions during and after the event (evacuation, medical care, counseling, reconstruction). Considering the frigid winter climate of the Midwestern United States, severe winter storms are frequently expected in the region.

Winter Storm

These storms impose tremendous effects on individuals as well as communities and the animals. The cold temperature along with snow, blizzard conditions and winds may occur at the same time leading to the rigorous personal injuries and may cause deaths (Dettinger, et al. 2012). Other than the physical injuries, the extreme speedy winds along with the cold temperatures the heat loss rates which makes body vulnerable to different health problems such as hypothermia or frostbite. Fatal vehicles accidents due to low visibility range and carbon monoxide poisoning due to the excessive and misuse of heaters are also the potential dangers of winter storms. Snow accumulation on roads also results in road blockages or closures isolating the farms and homes for many days.

The winter storms also cause damages to the infrastructure of the states, such as the burden of snow or ice may cause roofs to collapse. Power lines and trees also knock down causing power failures and consequent heat loss. Commuting system also face problems due to damaged roads, railways and other means of travelling, for instance fog and ice become a means of delayed flights which cause panic among people (IEMA, 2012). Animals, due to being subject of severe winter and chilly wind, are also at great risk during winter storm. Unprotected livestock might lose due to unavailability of food and water as these resources generally freeze down during winters.

These storms can produce large accumulations of snow, dangerously low temperatures, high winds, sleet and freezing rain. Winter storms can hit communities or entire regions and prevent them from traveling. Blizzards and ice storms are the most common types of winter storms in the region. Generally, a blizzard is a winter storm in which winds over 40 km / h and visibility is reduced to less than one kilometer due to snowfall or blowing snow and the duration ...