Styles Approach

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Questionnaire Analysis - Styles Approach

Questionnaire Analysis - Styles Approach


The study is related to styles approach which particularly focuses on the questionnaire analysis which intends to determine my leadership behavior that is, whether I am a task oriented leader or relationship oriented leader. From the results of the questionnaire, it is found that assuming my leadership position, my task oriented leadership behavior score is 40; however, my relationship oriented leadership behavior score is 50. For that further analysis of my leadership position, consider the following discussion:


Questionnaire reveals that my leadership position is strong for both type of leadership behavior that is, task oriented style and relationship oriented style. The basis of this statement is that the total leadership score are high for both types of leadership behavior that is 40 for task oriented and 50 for relationship oriented. However, it is reflected that the total leadership score for relationship oriented style is high in comparison to task oriented style. For that reason, it can be stated that my leadership position is based on making, managing and maintaining the relationship with the people around me within the organization.

In relation to task oriented style, it is important to note that task leadership behaviors helps in the accomplishment of goals. Moreover, this type of leadership behaviors helps me in organizing my work, defining the responsibilities and scheduling the work activities. I as a leader involve in production orientation, which focuses on how the work can be done, and technical and production phases of the work. In addition to this, it can be said that the task oriented people are directed towards getting the goal set by them, they want to accomplish their desired target, attaining the target is a positive turn of phrase and the work is guided by the purpose that is task oriented people know what they want to accomplish. I as a task oriented leader is an individual who cares about jobs tend to pay more attention to the planning and definition of the work to be performed. It seeks to establish work patterns to better meet the desired goals. I am constantly demanding the completion of tasks and frequently monitor the performance of their subordinates. For that reason, I focus on meeting the deadlines, promoting quality control, reducing the costs etc. I as a task oriented leader always require exhibiting some level of task behavior which is based on the requirement of the situation and my personal style that is how I take and react to certain situation.

The behavioral approach shifts the focus on the personal characteristics of the leader (which they are), to give greater attention to what they do. So going to observe how leaders delegate tasks, how they communicate and what techniques they use to motivate their subordinates. Despite the change in focus of analysis, the relative improvement of the instrumentalization of the leader, in order to achieve the organization's goals, remains the subject of studies on ...
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