Studying Abroad

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Studying Abroad



This research investigates the benefits that come along the international education and the plus points that the international education provides to the students in their education and professional life. The research also investigated the negative points or the disadvantages that come along studying in another country. Studying abroad has its own benefits, as well as, disadvantages which can either make the career of a student or break it. Interviews of the students who have been studying abroad were conducted. A total of five students were interviewed whose stay in the foreign country had a period of 1 year to 5 years. The findings suggested that the students encounter some problems when they decide to study abroad; however, the benefits outweigh the costs. It is the decision of the student to either get swayed by the problems, or take this as an opportunity to build their academic and professional career.Studying Abroad


Studying in another country is highly recognized for the value that its adds to the career and the education of the students. There are many countries which strongly support the international education and study. There are also increased legislations which are supporting the increased support and funding to the university students of international countries. There are also many employees who are interested in hiring candidates who have international experience and education and such students also have a plus point when they go for job interviews. There are also a number of other benefits that studying abroad bring with it. Studying abroad is one of the brightest chances for the students to build their careers and improve the quality of education that they have been gaining in their homeland. This helps in providing a new perspective that the students can have about the world. This can also help the students in increasing their language skills and also help in enhancing the view that they have regarding different people, cultures, religions and ethnicities ( This research investigates the benefits that come along the international education and the plus points that the international education provides to the students in their education and professional life. The research will also try to investigate the negative points or the disadvantages that come along studying in another country. Studying abroad has its own benefits, as well as, disadvantages which can either make the career of a student or break it. This is not an easy decision to take, but when one decides to go and study abroad, this opens up many new ways of dealing with many new things, and many different kinds of people and cultures. Studying abroad helps in building the career of an individual and also helps in providing better employment opportunities to the freshly graduated students.

Aims and Objectives

The research aims at understanding the benefits of studying abroad, while also having a look at the disadvantages that come along studying abroad. The research will try to focus on the opportunities that studying abroad provides to the students in not only their academic ...
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